Target Audiences and Benefits
AERI Institutes
AERI's activities include capacity-building institutes for technical and non-technical audiences in global and domestic settings. Typically 1- 2 weeks long, AERI institutes can be rotated at different venues in consultation with partners. Please follow the link to view the AERI Master Course List, intended to help potential partners select courses for designing institutes customized to meet their regional or organizational needs. Audiences and potential benefits of AERI institutes are as follows.
Researchers and Evaluators:
- To get a refresher or gain new knowledge and skills in special methodological areas in assessment and evaluation
- Ongoing professional development in particular assessment and evaluation topics
Graduate Students in Education and the Social Sciences:
- To develop and strengthen skills in special methodological areas in assessment and evaluation that complement your degree program and prepare you for professional certification or the job market
- To prepare to write your dissertations, theses, and research papers requiring specialized technical knowledge and skills
Educational Practitioners, Teachers, Leaders/Policy-makers:
- To develop foundational knowledge and skills in assessment and evaluation that make you an informed consumer of tests, assessment products, and accountability/evaluation reports
- To develop technical knowledge and skills needed to become assessment leaders in your organization
- To distinguish between appropriate and inappropriate uses of assessment information and evaluation reports
NGOs, Government Agencies, Funders, and Donors:
- To select courses and design customized AERI institutes that will help build organizational capacity in assessment and evaluation. Institutes could be offered and rotated in organizations at home and abroad. We plan on using face-to-face and distance delivery models.
**AERI institutes and courses are designed for professionals in education, psychology, and the health fields. Please see the detailed Course Descriptions for further information.