Joint Master of Arts in Leadership and Educational Change | Teachers College Columbia University

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Joint Master of Arts in Leadership and Educational Change

Teachers College (TC) and the National Institute of Education (NIE), Nanyang Technological University establish joint Master of Arts in Leadership and Educational Change degree program with a dual focus on instructional and curriculum leadership.

The Master of Arts in Leadership and Educational Change is an innovative program with a dual focus on organizational and curriculum leadership. The program aims to prepare educational leaders to go beyond organizational leadership towards embracing leadership capacities in curriculum, teaching and learning. Jointly taught by two internationally-renowned teacher education institutions, the National Institute of Education (NIE), Nanyang Technological University, Singapore and Teachers College (TC), Columbia University, New York, the program prepares a new generation of educational leaders for Singapore, the Asia-Pacific region, and the larger international community.

The program is comprised of 32 Academic Units, which is inclusive of six (6) core courses, four (4) prescribed electives and one (1) open elective. Courses are taught by faculty from both institutions, allowing participants to engage in learning from two leading educational institutions. This program may be completed in one (1) year on a full-time basis. Classes are conducted at NIE in Singapore.

The National Institute of Education is Singapore's premier national teacher education institute. Established in July 1991, NIE is an autonomous institute of the Nanyang Technological University. NIE positions itself as the leader in teacher education in Singapore and the region by producing high quality graduates who form the foundation for a successful education system.

Teachers College is the oldest and largest graduate school of education in the United States and a key college of Columbia University. With its tradition of innovation and transformative education, the College is one of the leading schools of education in the country and the world. Since its founding in 1887, TC has been at the forefront of initiatives to advance educational reforms and issues.

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Published Friday, Aug. 1, 2014


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