ATS-W Announcement from NYSED
Teacher certification candidates who fail the edTPA and choose to take the ATS-W instead of retaking the edTPA pursuant to the "Safety Net" adopted by the Board of Regents at its April meeting may request a test voucher code to take the ATS-W at no cost to the candidate.

Teacher certification candidates who fail the edTPA and choose to take the ATS-W instead of retaking the edTPA pursuant to the “Safety Net” adopted by the Board of Regents at its April meeting may request a test voucher code to take the ATS-W at no cost to the candidate.
To apply for a voucher code for the ATS-W, please send an email with your (i) Name as it appears in your TEACH account, (ii) last five digits of your Social Security Number, (iii) Date of Birth, and (iv) your current Email Address to with a short statement that a test voucher code is requested.
Upon receipt of this email and verification of the candidate’s edTPA score, candidates will receive a test voucher code in an email to be used when registering for the ATS-W. Please note that there are no eligibility requirements for this voucher except that the candidate must have already taken and failed the edTPA.
Information about the Safety Net can be found at:
Click here
Published Monday, Jun. 16, 2014