A Message from President Fuhrman
It is with deep sadness that I inform you that Maxine Greene, Teachers College's great philosopher queen, passed away on May 26 at the age of 96. History will recall Maxine, in the words of "The New York Times," as "one of the most important education philosophers of the past 50 years." Here at TC, Maxine, like John Dewey in his own time, was a living lens for all that is best and most essential about our mission and work. She was a beloved and cherished figure who served as a touchstone for generations of TC students, alumni and faculty. Maxine's passing is an immeasurable loss. We can count ourselves fortunate for having our lives touched by a truly timeless and great spirit. Share your memories and read more of her impact here.
Featured Video
In the Fall of 2010, Prof. Emeritus Maxine Greene recorded an interview for the TC oral history series, Mini Moments with Big Thinkers. During this interview Greene talks about a painting by Breughel and the power of art to make people wide awake to both the beauty and cruelty of life. You can watch the video here. |
Alumni Spotlight
 Since 2005, Champlain College President David F. Finney (Ed.D. '92) -'" the College's seventh president since it was established in 1878 -'" has led the private, career-focused college in the historic Hill Section of the city through a period of dramatic growth and met economic challenges brought on by the Great Recession. Finney has announced his retirement for June 30. Read More...
 Maureen Rover, The Reading Team founder, along with colleague, Reading Team Board Member, and TC alumna Eileen Judell (M.E. '84), bring a successful approach to literacy to the Harlem community and welcome your volunteer participation and employment inquires. Read more on The Reading Team's efforts here.
TC News
Convocation: #TCHappy Congratulations to our newest alumni! This year we celelbrated convocation at three master's degree ceremonies and one doctoral hooding from May 19-21, which together involved more than 2,000 graduates. President Furhman said that TC graduates "have a moral obligation to harness the power of our great institution to extend the promise and opportunity of education today and to future generations" and education that recognizes and harnesses diversity was in many ways was the theme that ran through ceremonies. To read more and to see video of our medalists and speakers click here. School Law Institute 2014 Join national leaders in education law for an exciting week of discussion surrounding critical issues of law, policy, and practice at the 2014 School Law Institute from July 14-18. Some topics to be covered include charter schools, standardized testing, serving English language learners and students with disabilities, and free speech rights of students and teachers. Register Today! Read More...
Support TC
Every aspect of the College, be it scholarships, academic programs or faculty initiatives, is underwritten by the TC Fund. Your annual fund support makes a significant difference in the future of our students and the lives they will affect. Consider the benefits of joining our John Dewey Circle as a new leadership donor, or supporting our Annual Fund Scholars Program this year with our Trustee Matching Gift offer. Click here to make your gift online now, and help us reach our goal of $2.04 million before August 31. Your participation in the Fund counts, and we thank you in advance for your support! |
Events: Individuals with disabilities are encouraged to contact OASID at oasid@tc.edu, (212) 678-3689, (212) 678-3853 TTY, (212) 678-3854 video phone, as early as possible to request reasonable accommodations, such as ASL interpreters, alternate format materials, and a campus map of accessible features.By entering the event premises you consent to videotaping, photography, interview(s) and its/their release, publication, exhibition, or reproduction to be used for public relations, news articles, telecasts, education, advertising, research, inclusion on web sites, fundraising, or any other purpose by Teachers College (TC) and and/or its affiliates. Full photo consent information here. If you would like to unsubscribe to these emails, please contact the Office of Alumni Relations at tcalumni@tc.edu. Change of address? Update your information here. |