Day 2 - Oral Paper Presentation
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IEEE RO-MAN 2016 In New York City
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MoA1: 8:45-10:00 |
Horace Mann 138 |
Robots for Physical Rehabilitation (Regular Session) |
Chair: Sho Yokota |
Toyo Univ. |
08:45-08:57 |
MoA1.1 |
A Robotic Coach Architecture for Multi-User Human-Robot Interaction (RAMU) with the Elderly and Cognitively Impaired |
Jing Fan Linda Beuscher Paul A. Newhouse Lorraine C. Mion Nilanjan Sarkar |
Vanderbilt Univ. Vanderbilt Univ. Vanderbilt Univ. Vanderbilt Univ. Vanderbilt Univ. |
08:57-09:09 |
MoA1.2 |
Data-Driven Haptic Perception for Robot-Assisted Dressing |
Ariel Kapusta Wenhao Yu Tapomayukh Bhattacharjee Karen Liu Greg Turk Charlie Kemp |
Georgia Inst. of Tech. Georgia Inst. of Tech. Georgia Inst. of Tech. Georgia Inst. of Tech.
Georgia Inst. of Tech. Georgia Inst. of Tech. |
09:09-09:21 |
MoA1.3 |
Design of a Bath Robot System – User Definition and User Requirements Based on International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) |
Jochen Werle
Klaus Hauer |
Univ. of Heidelberg, Agaplesion Bethanien Hospital Univ. of Heidelberg, Agaplesion Bethanien Hospital |
09:21-09:33 |
MoA1.4 |
Design of an Accompanying Humanoid as a Walking Trainer for the Elderly |
Chiara Piezzo Kenji Suzuki |
Univ. of Tsukuba Univ. of Tsukuba |
09:33-09:45 |
MoA1.5 |
Robotic Repositioning of Human Limbs Via Model Predictive Control |
Kevin Chow Charlie Kemp |
Georgia Inst. of Tech. Georgia Inst. of Tech. |
09:45-09:57 |
MoA1.6 |
The Ethics of Deploying a Robot – Examples from a Mobile Service Robot at a Care Site for Older Patients |
Tobias Körtner Denise Hebesberger Christoph Gisinger |
Academy for Research on Aging Academy for Research on Aging Danube Univ. Krems |
MoA2: 8:45-10:00 |
Horace Mann 150 |
Failure and Trust in Human-Robot Interaction (Regular Session) |
Chair: Kerstin Fischer |
Univ. of Southern Denmark |
08:45-08:57 |
MoA2.1 |
Analysis of Reactions Towards Failures and Recovery Strategies for Autonomous Robots |
Daniel Brooks Momotaz Begum Holly Yanco |
UMass Lowell UMass Lowell UMass Lowell |
08:57-09:09 |
MoA2.2 |
Believing in BERT: Using Expressive Communication to Enhance Trust and Counteract Operational Error in Physical Human-Robot Interaction |
Adriana Hamacher Nadia Berthouze Tony Pipe
Kerstin Eder |
UCL UCL Univ. of the West of England Univ. of Bristol |
09:09-09:21 |
MoA2.3 |
Errare Humanum Est: Erroneous Robots in Human-Robot Interaction |
Marco Ragni Andrey Rudenko Barbara Kuhnert Kai Oliver Arras |
Univ. of Freiburg Univ. of Freiburg Univ. of Freiburg Univ. of Freiburg |
09:21-09:33 |
MoA2.4 |
Just Follow the Suit! Trust in Human-Robot Interactions During Card Game Playing |
Filipa Correia Patrícia Alves-Oliveira Nuno Maia Tiago Ribeiro Sofia Petisca Francisco S. Melo Ana Paiva |
INESC-ID, Univ. of Lisbon INESC-ID, Univ. of Lisbon INESC-ID, Univ. of Lisbon INESC-ID, Univ. of Lisbon INESC-ID, Univ. of Lisbon INESC-ID, Univ. of Lisbon INESC-ID, Univ. of Lisbon |
09:33-09:45 |
MoA2.5 |
Perceived Role of Physiological Sensors Impacts Trust and Reliance on Robots |
Monika Lohani Charlene Stokes Marissa McCoy Christopher Bailey Aditi Joshi Susan Rivers |
Yale Univ. Air Force Research Lab Yale Univ. Yale Univ. Yale Univ. Yale Univ. |
09:45-09:57 |
MoA2.6 |
Playing the ‘Trust Game’ with Robots: Social Strategies and Experiences |
Roberta Cabral Ramos Mota Daniel J. Rea Anna Tran James Everett Young Ehud Sharlin Mario Costa Sousa |
Univ. of Calgary Univ. of Manitoba
Univ. of Calgary Univ. of Manitoba Univ. of Calgary Univ. of Calgary |
MoA3: 8:45-10:00 |
Milbank Chapel (Zankel 125) |
Interaction with Children (Regular Session) |
Chair: Iolanda Iacono |
Univ. of Siena |
08:45-08:57 |
MoA3.1 |
Autonomous Disengagement Classification and Repair in Multiparty Child-Robot Interaction |
Iolanda Leite Marissa McCoy Monika Lohani Nicole Salomons Kara McElvaine Charlene Stokes Susan Rivers Brian Scassellati |
Disney Research Yale Univ. Yale Univ. Yale Univ. Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence Air Force Research Lab Yale Univ. Yale Univ. |
08:57-09:09 |
MoA3.2 |
Child-Robot Spatial Arrangement in a Learning by Teaching Activity |
Wafa Johal Alexis Jacq Ana Paiva Pierre Dillenbourg |
EPFL EPFL INESC-ID, Univ. of Lisbon EPFL |
09:09-09:21 |
MoA3.3 |
Children’s Peer Assessment and Self-Disclosure in the Presence of an Educational Robot |
Shruti Chandra Patrícia Alves-Oliveira Séverin Lemaignan Pedro Sequeira Ana Paiva Pierre Dillenbourg |
IST/EPFL INESC-ID, Univ. of Lisbon Plymouth Univ. INESC-ID, IST, Univ. of Lisbon INESC-ID, Univ. of Lisbon EPFL |
09:21-09:33 |
MoA3.4 |
Evaluation Methods for User-Centered Child-Robot Interaction |
Vicky Charisi Daniel Davison Dennis Reidsma Vanessa Evers |
Univ. of Twente Univ. of Twente Univ. of Twente Univ. of Amsterdam |
09:33-09:45 |
MoA3.5 |
Improving Human-Human Collaboration between Children with a Social Robot |
Sarah Strohkorb Ethan Fukuto Natalie Warren Charles Taylor Bobby Berry Brian Scassellati |
Yale Univ. Pomona College Yale Univ. Yale Univ. Yale Univ. Yale Univ. |
09:45-09:57 |
MoA3.6 |
Study of Children's Hugging for Interactive Robot Design |
Joohyung Kim Alexander Alspach Iolanda Leite Katsu Yamane |
Disney Research Disney Research Disney Research Disney Research |
MoB1: 10:30-11:45 |
Horace Mann 138 |
Navigating in Human Environments (Regular Session) |
Chair: Gabriele Trovato |
Waseda Univ. |
10:30-10:42 |
MoB1.1 |
Anticipatory Robot Path Planning in Human Environments |
Akansel Cosgun Emrah Akin Sisbot Henrik Iskov Christensen |
Honda Research Inst. Toyota Info Tech. Ctr. Georgia Inst. of Tech. |
10:42-10:54 |
MoB1.2 |
Incorporating Perception Uncertainty in Human-Aware Navigation: A Comparative Study |
Zeynab Talebpour Deepak Geetha Viswanathan Rodrigo Ventura Alcherio Martinoli Gwenn Englebienne |
EPFL Univ. of Amsterdam Univ. of Lisbon Univ. of Twente EPFL |
10:54-11:06 |
MoB1.3 |
Performance of a Low-Cost, Human-Inspired Perception Approach for Dense Moving Crowd Navigation |
Ishani Chatterjee Aaron Steinfeld |
Carnegie Mellon Univ. Carnegie Mellon Univ. |
11:06-11:18 |
MoB1.4 |
Qualitative Constraints for Human-Aware Robot Navigation Using Velocity Costmaps |
Christian Dondrup Marc Hanheide |
Heriot-Watt Univ. Univ. of Lincoln |
11:18-11:30 |
MoB1.5 |
The Influence of Following Angle on Performance Metrics of a Human-Following Robot |
Shanee Honig dror katz Tal Oron-Gilad Yael Edan |
Ben-Gurion Univ. Ben-Gurion Univ. Ben-Gurion Univ. Ben-Gurion Univ. |
11:30-11:42 |
MoB1.6 |
Towards an Integrated and Human-Friendly Path Following and Obstacle Avoidance Behaviour for Robots |
Camilla Bassani Antonello Scalmato Fulvio Mastrogiovanni Antonio Sgorbissa |
Univ. of Genova Univ. of Genova Univ. of Genova Univ. of Genova |
MoB2: 10:30-11:45 |
Horace Mann 150 |
Robotic Mediators (Regular Session) |
Chair: Ana Paiva |
INESC-ID and Instituto Superior Tecnico, Technical University of Lisbon |
10:30-10:42 |
MoB2.1 |
Can You Feel Me?: How Embodiment Levels of Telepresence Systems Affect Presence |
Jung Ju Choi Sonya Sona Kwak |
Ewha Womans Univ. Ewha Womans Univ. |
10:42-10:54 |
MoB2.2 |
Designing User Interfaces for Different User Groups: A Three-Way Teleconference System for Doctors, Patients and Assistants Using a Remote Medical Robot |
Gerald Stollnberger Manuel Giuliani Nicole Mirnig Manfred Tscheligi Krzysztof Arent Kreczmer Bogdan Filip Grzeszczak Dorota Szczesniak-Stanczyk Zarczuk Radoslaw Andrzej Wysokinski |
Univ. of Salzburg Univ. of Salzburg Univ. of Salzburg Univ. of Salzburg Wrocław Univ. of Tech. Wrocław Univ. of Tech. Wrocław Univ. of Tech. Medical Univ. of Lublin Medical Univ. of Lublin Medical Univ. of Lublin |
10:54-11:06 |
MoB2.3 |
Evaluating a Mobile Spontaneous Eye Blink Tracker for Use in Tele-Presence HRI As a Low Bandwidth Social Communicative Cue |
Chris Bevan Danaë Stanton Fraser |
Univ. of Bath Univ. of Bath |
11:06-11:18 |
MoB2.4 |
Humanoid Robot Avatars: An 'In the Wild' Usability Study |
Paul Bremner Miriam Koschate Mark Levine |
Univ. of the West of England Univ. of Exeter Univ. of Exeter |
11:18-11:30 |
MoB2.5 |
Imitating Human Movement with Teleoperated Robotic Head |
Priyanshu Agarwal Samer Al Moubayed Alexander Alspach Joohyung Kim Elizabeth Carter Jill Lehman Katsu Yamane |
Univ. of Texas at Austin Walt Disney Imagineering Disney Research Disney Research The Walt Disney Company Disney Research Disney Research |
11:30-11:42 |
MoB2.6 |
Immersed Remotely: Evaluating the Use of Head Mounted Devices for Remote Collaboration in Robotic Telepresence |
Kratz Sven Fred Rabelo Ferreira |
FX Palo Alto Laboratory Columbia Univ. |
MoB3: 10:30-11:45 |
Milbank Chapel (Zankel 125) |
Implicit Human-Robot Communication (Regular Session) |
Chair: Wafa Johal |
École Pol. Fédérale De Lausanne |
10:30-10:42 |
MoB3.1 |
Between Legibility and Contact: The Role of Gaze in Robot Approach |
Kerstin Fischer Lars Christian Jensen Daniel Suvei Leon Bodenhagen |
Univ. of Southern Denmark Univ. of Southern Denmark Univ. of Southern Denmark Univ. of Southern Denmark |
10:42-10:54 |
MoB3.2 |
Enhancing Human Understanding of a Mobile Robot's State and Actions Using Expressive Lights |
Kim Baraka Stephanie Rosenthal Manuela Veloso |
Carnegie Mellon Univ. Carnegie Mellon Univ. Carnegie Mellon Univ. |
10:54-11:06 |
MoB3.3 |
Evaluating Intent-Expressive Robot Arm Motion |
Christopher Bodden Bilge Mutlu Michael Gleicher |
Univ. of Wisconsin–Madison Univ. of Wisconsin–Madison Univ. of Wisconsin–Madison |
11:06-11:18 |
MoB3.4 |
Follow Me: Communicating Intentions with a Spherical Robot |
Miguel Faria Andrea Costigliola Patrícia Alves-Oliveira Ana Paiva |
INESC-ID, Univ. of Lisbon INESC-ID, Univ. of Lisbon INESC-ID, Univ. of Lisbon INESC-ID, Univ. of Lisbon |
11:18-11:30 |
MoB3.5 |
Investigating the Effects of Robotic Motion on Worker's Behavior in Cooperative Working Environments |
Adrian Böckenkamp Frank Weichert Gerhard Rinkenauer |
TU Dortmund Univ. TU Dortmund Univ. Leibniz Association |
11:30-11:42 |
MoB3.6 |
Postures of a Robot Arm - Window to Robot Intentions? |
Sridatta Chatterjee Oren Shriki Idit Shalev Tal Oron-Gilad |
Ben-Gurion Univ. Ben-Gurion Univ. Ben-Gurion Univ. Ben-Gurion Univ. |
MoC1: 13:00-14:12 |
Horace Mann 138 |
SS: Child-Robot Interaction (Special Session) |
Chair: Hea Won Park |
13:00-13:12 |
MoC1.1 |
A Study on the Relationship between Robotic Movement with Animacy and Visual Attention of Young Children |
Jaeryoung Lee Hirofumi Aoki Dimitar Stefanov Takahiro Yamamoto Goro Obinata |
Chubu Univ. Nagoya Univ. Middlesex Univ. Nagoya Univ. Nagoya Univ. |
13:12-13:24 |
MoC1.2 |
Effects of Framing a Robot As a Social Agent or As a Machine on Children’s Social Behavior |
Jacqueline Kory Westlund Marayna Martinez Maryam Archie Madhurima Das Cynthia Breazeal |
13:24-13:36 |
MoC1.3 |
Robotic Behavioral Intervention to Facilitate Eye Contact and Reading Emotions of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders |
Sang-Seok Yun Jongsuk Choi Sung-Kee Park |
13:36-13:48 |
MoC1.4 |
Increasing the Efficacy of Rehabilitation Protocols for Children Via a Robotic Playmate Providing Real-Time Corrective Feedback |
Sergio García-Vergara LaVonda Brown Yu-ping Chen Ayanna Howard |
Georgia Inst. of Tech. Georgia Inst. of Tech. Georgia State Univ. Georgia Inst. of Tech. |
13:48-14:00 |
MoC1.5 |
Should Robots Win or Lose? Robot's Losing Playing Strategy Positively Affects Child Learning |
Kairat Balkibekov Serik Meiirbekov Nazgul Tazhigaliyeva Anara Sandygulova |
Nazarbayev Univ. Nazarbayev Univ. Nazarbayev Univ. Nazarbayev Univ. |
14:00-14:12 |
MoC1.6 |
Using Robots to Interview Children about Bullying: Lessons Learned from an Exploratory Study |
Cindy L. Bethel Zachary Henkel Kristen Stives David C. May Deborah Eakin Melinda Pilkinton Alexis Jones Megan Stubbs-Richardson |
Mississippi State Univ. Mississippi State Univ. Mississippi State Univ. Mississippi State Univ. Mississippi State Univ. Mississippi State Univ. Mississippi State Univ. Mississippi State Univ. |
MoC2: 13:00-14:00 |
Horace Mann 150 |
Emotional Interaction (Regular Session) |
Chair: Hatice Gunes |
Univ. of Cambridge |
13:00-13:12 |
MoC2.1 |
A Thermal Emotion Classifier for Improved Human-Robot Interaction |
Laura Boccanfuso Quan Wang Iolanda Leite Beibin Li Colette Torres Lisa Chen Nicole Salomons Claire Foster Erin Barney Yeojin Amy Ahn Brian Scassellati Frederick Shic |
Yale Univ. Yale Univ. Walt Disney Imagineering Yale Univ. Duke Univ. Mt. Holyoke College Yale Univ. Yale Univ. Yale Univ. Yale Univ. Yale Univ. Yale Univ. |
13:12-13:24 |
MoC2.2 |
Baseline CNN Structure Analysis for Facial Expression Recognition |
Minchul Shin Munsang Kim Dong-Soo Kwon |
13:24-13:36 |
MoC2.3 |
Emotional Sharing Behavior for a Social Robot in a Competitive Setting |
Sofia Petisca João Dias Patrícia Alves-Oliveira Ana Paiva |
INESC-ID, Univ. of Lisbon INESC-ID, Univ. of Lisbon INESC-ID, Univ. of Lisbon INESC-ID, Univ. of Lisbon |
13:36-13:48 |
MoC2.4 |
Improving the Predictive Performance of SAFEL: A Situation-Aware Fear Learning Model |
Caroline Rizzi Colin Graeme Johnson Patricia A. Vargas |
Univ. of Kent Univ. of Kent Heriot Watt Univ. |
13:48-14:00 |
MoC2.5 |
Who Is in Charge? Sense of control and robot anxiety in Human-Robot Interaction |
Adeline Chanseau Kerstin Dautenhahn Kheng Lee Koay Maha Salem |
Univ. of Hertfordshire Univ. of Hertfordshire Univ. of Hertfordshire Univ. of Hertfordshire |
MoC3: 13:00-14:00 |
Milbank Chapel (Zankel 125) |
Ethics, Morality, and Judgment (Regular Session) |
Chair: Friederike Eyssel |
Univ. of Bielefeld |
13:00-13:12 |
MoC3.1 |
A Model of a Robot's Will Based on Higher-Order Desires |
Felix Lindner |
Univ. of Freiburg |
13:12-13:24 |
MoC3.2 |
Anticipating Our Future Robotic Society: The Evaluation of Future Robot Applications from a User’s Perspective |
Maartje M. A. de Graaf Somaya Ben Allouch |
Univ. of Twente Saxion Univ. |
13:24-13:36 |
MoC3.3 |
Human Body Schema Exploration: Analyzing Design Requirements of Robotic Hand and Leg Illusions |
Philipp Beckerle Albert De Beir Tim Schürmann Emilie Caspar |
Tech. Univ. Darmstadt Vrije Univ. Brussel Tech. Univ. Darmstadt Univ. Libre de Bruxelles |
13:36-13:48 |
MoC3.4 |
Let's Be Honest: A Controlled Field Study of Ethical Behavior in the Presence of a Robot |
Jodi Forlizzi Thidanun Saensuksopa Natalie Michele Salaets Michael Shomin Tekin Mericli Guy Hoffman |
Carnegie Mellon Univ. Carnegie Mellon Univ. System Planning Corp. Carnegie Mellon Univ. Carnegie Mellon Univ. Carnegie Mellon Univ. |
13:48-14:00 |
MoC3.5 |
Moral Judgments of Human vs. Robot Agents |
John Voiklis Boyoung Kim Corey Cusimano Bertram Malle |
Brown Univ. Brown Univ. Univ. of Pennsylvania Brown Univ. |