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Teachers College, Columbia University
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IEEE RO-MAN 2016 In New York City



Full Papers

Submission deadline: March 7, 2016
Notification of acceptance: May 10, 2016
Camera-Ready Deadline: May 27, 2016


Full papers are four to six camera-ready pages, including figures (with an option to extend to eight pages with an additional fee). The maximum file size is 2 MB.

To facilitate quality interdisciplinary reviewing, authors will be required to select a topic area for their full paper submission. These topic areas (Empirical; Technical & Methodological; Design; Educational & Theoretical) represent different types of contributions to human-robot interaction and thus involve different emphasis for evaluating what constitutes a significant contribution to the field. See below.

Empirical Studies of Human-Robot Interaction
This area includes naturalistic and experimental studies of how humans and robots interact in real-world settings, laboratory settings, or in experimental scenarios to establish new understanding, principles, and recommendations for human-robot interaction.

 Example papers from past RO-MAN conferences include:
Technical & Methodological Advances in Human-Robot Interaction
This area includes contributions that describe new robot systems, algorithms, and computational methods that enable robots to better understand, interact with, and collaborate with their users. Example papers from past RO-MAN conferences include:
Designs to Support in Human-Robot Interaction
This area represents research related to the design of new robotic technologies from a broad spectrum of design practices, including physical, interaction, and service design. Example papers from past RO-MAN conferences include:
Theoretical and Domain-Centered, Including Education, Human-Robot Interaction Research
This category includes other areas of contributions, such as HRI research in specific domains  (i.e., how robot use influences human learning and behavior, educational use of robots and robotic systems in STEAM subject areas—Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Mathematics—and beyond) area, and theoretical contributions that relate to theoretical studies, lessons learned, or visions on the future of robot-human interactions, including potential challenges, needs, and implications. Example papers from past RO-MAN conferences include:


All papers submitted to RO-MAN 2016 will undergo a peer-review process. A manuscript will be reviewed by at least two reviewers, who will provide detailed comments and – if the submission gets accepted – the authors submit a revised ("camera-ready") version that takes into account this feedback. The review process is managed by the program chair and the conference associate editors.

All papers are reviewed using a single-blind review process: authors declare their names and affiliations in the manuscript for the reviewers to see, but reviewers do not know each other's identities, nor do the authors receive information about who has reviewed their manuscript.

Authors should use the templates provided by the electronic submission system. The templates for US Letter format paper should be used.

The manuscript submission website will require that you submit your abstract and make any final changes to the author list and title of the paper before uploading the paper.

All authors and co-authors must be registered in the electronic system. It is the corresponding author’s responsibility to ensure that the complete author list and the correct title are being entered. This information will be used for the conference program and the proceedings.


  1.  Create an account: go to, then PIN and fill out the form.  Ask all your co-authors to do the same if they do not have an account on the system yet, write down the authors' PINs (this information is needed for manuscript processing purposes).
  2.  Go to Support Menu and depending on how you are preparing your paper, download a template: LaTeX* or MS-Word*, Use these templates/style files to create the paper and save in PDF format.
  3. Upload the paper: go to and click on "submit a contribution to Ro-Man 2016".
  4. Submit (regular paper, special session paper).
  5. Fill in the form presented on the next page (make sure to enter all author PINs created in Step 1).

Authors should adhere to the following steps for submitting the paper (for camera ready submission) :

  1. Create an account: go to, to create a PIN and fill out the form. Ask all your co-authors to do the same if they do not have an account on the system yet, write down the authors' PINs (this information is needed for manuscript processing purposes). 

  2. Go to Support Menu ( and depending on how you are preparing your paper, download a template for US LETTER PAPER SIZE : LaTeX ( or  US LETTER PAPER SIZE MS-Word, (
  3. Use these templates/style files to create the paper and save in PDF format. 

  4. Upload the paper: go to and click on "submit a contribution to Ro-Man 2016". 
  5. Submit (regular paper, special session paper). 

  6. Fill in the form presented on the next page (make sure to enter all author PINs created in Step 1).

Please note, that our conference policy requires that at least one of the authors of the contributing submission must pay the conference registration fee to upload the final camera ready. This is to ensure that at least one of the presenting authors will be registered to attend the conference and deliver the poster presentation. The link to the registration system will be available on the conference website soon.


Submissions should range from 4 to 6 pages US LETTER PAPER SIZE (with an option to extend to 8 pages with additional fee ($110 per additional page) paid for separately).

The maximum file size is 2 MB.

*All papers must be submitted via the Papercept submission site.*

If you have any questions about the full paper submission, please contact fullpaper(at)