Secondary Inclusive Education | Curriculum & Teaching
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Secondary Inclusive Education
Department of Curriculum and Teaching
Welcome to the Program in Secondary Inclusive Education
Steeped in the philosophy of John Dewey and framed by a progressive tradition, the Preservice Program in Secondary Inclusive Education emphasizes student-centered practices and the social construction of knowledge and conceives of teaching as complex professional activity necessarily embedded in particular moral, political, historical, economic, and cultural contexts. The philosophy of the program is simultaneously driven by the larger institutional conceptual framework for teacher education programs at Teachers College, which emphasize inquiry, curriculum, and social justice.
Degree Programs
Teaching Residents at TC
The Teaching Residents at Teachers College (TR@TC) program is a multifaceted 14-month graduate-level program that enables TC students to apprentice with experienced mentor teachers in secondary classrooms within high-need New York City schools for one year while earning a Master's degree in one of three programs (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages K-12, Secondary Inclusive Education, or Intellectual Disabilities Autism).
Teachers College Inclusive Classrooms Project (TCICP)
The Teachers College Inclusive Classrooms Project (TCICP) supports research, teaching, and service to create educational practices that support all students to grow and thrive in their classrooms.
Contact Us
Program Director: Professor Srikala Naraian
Box: 31
Teachers College, Columbia University
Zankel Building 308C
Contact Person: Claudia Atkinson
Phone: (212) 678-3695 Fax: (212) 678-3237Email: preservice@tc.edu