Civility Resources

Civility Resources

Teachers College, Columbia University

Title IX / VAWA Gender-Based Misconduct Resources 


General Resources

A.         Title IX Coordinators


            Teachers College

            Janice Robinson, Vice President for Diversity and Community Affairs

            525 West 120th Street, 128 Zankel Hall

  , (212) 678-3391


            Columbia University

            Marjory Fisher, Associate Vice President

            1150 Amsterdam Avenue, 202A Philosophy Hall

  , (212) 853-1276


            Barnard College

            Molree Williams-Lendor, Executive Director for Equity

            504/ADA & Age Act Coordinator

            Milbank Hall 102

 , (212) 854-0037


B.         Public Safety


            Teachers College

            Whittier Hall Suite 1A

            (212) 678-3333 (emergency)

            (212) 678-3220 (non-emergency)


            Columbia University

            Morningside Campus:  111 Low Library

            (212) 854-5555 (emergency)

            (212) 854-2797 (non-emergency)

            Medical Center Campus: Black Building Room 109

            (212) 305-7979 (emergency)

            (212) 305-8100 (non-emergency)


            Barnard College

            104 Barnard Hall

            (212) 854-6666 (emergency)

            (212) 854-3362 (non-emergency)


C.         New York City Policy Department (NYPD)

            Emergency 911


            26th Precinct

            (212) 678-1311


            NYPD Sex Crimes Unit

            (212) 267-RAPE (7273)

            Hotline:  (212) 335-9373


D.        Teachers College Ombuds Offices


            Stephen Peverly


            280 Grace Dodge Hall   

            (212) 678-4169



            Riddhi Sandil

            Ombuds Officer for Gender-Based Misconduct

            325 Horace Mann

            (212) 678-4016



E.         Disability Resources


            Teachers College Office of Access and Services for Individuals with Disabilities

            163 Thorndike Hall

            (212) 678-3689




            Columbia Office of Disability Services

            Morningside: Wien Hall Suite 108A, (212) 854-2388;

            Medical Center: Bard Hall 105; (212) 305-7029




            Teachers College Human Resources

            120 Whittier Hall

            (212) 678-3175



Reporting Options


A.         Title IX Coordinators


            Teachers College

            Janice Robinson, Vice President for Diversity and Community Affairs

            525 West 120th Street, 128 Zankel Hall

  , (212) 678-3391


            Columbia University

            Marjory Fisher, Associate Vice President

            1150 Amsterdam Avenue, 202A Philosophy Hall

  , (212) 853-1276


            Barnard College

            Amy Zavadil, Associate Dean for Equity

            3009 Broadway, 105 Milbank Hall

  , (212) 854-0037


B.         Public Safety


            Teachers College

            525 West 120th Street, Whittier Hall Suite 1A

            (212) 678-3333 (emergency)

            (212) 678-3220 (non-emergency)


            Columbia University

            Morningside Campus:  535 West 116th Street, 111 Low Library

            (212) 854-5555 (emergency)

            (212) 854-2797 (non-emergency)

            Medical Center Campus: 650 West 168th Street, 109 Black Building

            (212) 305-7979 (emergency)

            (212) 305-8100 (non-emergency)


            Barnard College

            3009 Broadway, 104 Barnard Hall

            (212) 854-6666 (emergency)

            (212) 854-3362 (non-emergency)


C.         Law Enforcement


            New York City Police Department (NYPD)

    • Emergency 911
    • 26th Precinct - (212) 678-1311
    • Sex Crimes Unit - (212) 267-RAPE (7273)
    • Hotline:  (212) 335-9373

            Domestic Violence and Child Abuse Hotline

            (212) 335-4308

            Manhattan Justice Center, Special Victims Bureau

            (212) 335-4300


D.        Teachers College - Other Reporting


            Office of the Provost

            Katie Embree, Vice Provost

            113 Zankel Hall

  , (212) 678-3991


            Human Resources

            Randy Glazer, Assistant Vice President

            120 Whittier Hall

  , (212) 678-3196


E.         Federal Agencies


            US Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights

            New York – Region II
            32 Old Slip, 26th Floor, New York, NY 10005

            (646) 428-3800,  


            US Department of Justice, Office on Violence Against Women

            145 N Street, NE, Suite 10W.121, Washington, DC 20530

            (202) 307-6026


Support Services


A.         On Campus - Confidential


            1.         Columbia Sexual Violence Response and Rape Crisis/Anti-Violence Support Center (SVR)

                        (212) 854-HELP (4357)


                        Morningside:  700 Lerner Hall

                        Medical Center:  206 Bard Hall

                        Barnard Campus: 105 Hewitt Hall


            2.         Columbia Medical Services


                        Morningside: (212) 854-7426 (select Option #4 after 7pm); John Jay Hall (9am-4:30pm)

                        Medical Center: (212) 305-3400; Bard Hall Lobby Level Suite B234


            3.         Columbia Counseling and Psychological Services


                        Morningside: (212) 854-2878; Lerner Hall 8th Floor

                        Medical Center: (212) 305-3400; Bard Hall Suite 1D


            4.         Columbia Office of the University Chaplain


                        (212) 854-1493

                        710 Lerner Hall


            5.         Teachers College Ombuds Offices


                        Erwin Flaxman


                        48 Horace Mann      

                        (212) 678-4169



                        Riddhi Sandil

                        Ombuds Officer for Gender-Based Misconduct

                        325 Horace Mann

                        (212) 678-4016



B.         Off Campus


            1. Local Hospitals with a Sexual Assault Forensic Examiner:


            Mt. Sinai St. Luke’s Hospital Crime Victims Treatment Center

                        (212) 523-4728 (by appointment only)


            New York Presbyterian/CUMC Emergency Room

                        (212) 305-6204


            Mt. Sinai St. Luke’s Hospital (CHP Group)

            1111 Amsterdam Ave at West 113th St


            Roosevelt Hospital (CHP Group)

            1000 10th Ave at 58th St


            Beth Israel-Petrie Campus (CHP Group)

            First Ave at E 16th St


            Bellevue Hospital (HHP Group)

            462 First Ave at E 27th St


            Harlem Hospital (HHC Group)

            506 Malcolm X Blvd at W 135th St


            Metropolitan Hospital Center (HHP Group)

            1901 1st Ave at 96th St

*Mt. Sinai St. Luke’s Hospital’s Emergency Room at 1111 Amsterdam Avenue (113th Street between Amsterdam and Morningside) and New York-Presbyterian Hospital/CUMC Emergency Room at 630 West 168th Street (168th and Broadway) can provide treatment for injuries and for potential exposure to sexually transmitted infections, emergency contraception, and other health services. They can assist in preserving evidence or documenting any injuries and have personnel who are specially trained to collect evidence.



            2.  Advocacy, Counseling and Health Services:


            Safe Horizon Rape and Sexual Assault Hotline

            (212) 227-3000


            SAKHI for South Asian Women

            (212) 868-6741, weekdays between 10:00 AM and 5:00 PM EST


            NYC Gay and Lesbian Anti-Violence Project

            (212) 714-1141, 24 hours


            New York City Domestic Violence Hotline

            (800) 621-HOPE (4673), 24 Hours


            National Domestic Violence Hotline

            (800) 799-SAFE (7233), 24hrs


            National Center for Victims of Crime Stalking Resource Center

            (800) FYI (394)-CALL (1155), M-F, 8:30 AM- 8:30 PM


            Rape Abuse and Incest National Network

            (800) 656-HOPE (4673) confidential 24hrs, or  


3.         Teachers College Employee Assistance Program (EAP) - confidential

            (877) 851-1631


            loginID: standard6; password: eap4u6

Sexual Respect at Columbia

Click Sexual Respect at Columbia for more information.


Columbia University is committed to providing a learning, working, and living environment free from discrimination, harassment, and gender-based misconduct. Under University policies, these types of behaviors include discrimination, discriminatory harassment, sexual harassment, sexual assault, gender-based harassment, stalking, and intimate partner violence.  The University encourages everyone to become familiar with the types of behaviors that constitute misconduct and with the University’s policies and procedures.
Any member of the Columbia community who believes she or he has experienced discrimination, harassment, or gender-based misconduct is encouraged to report the incident to the Office of Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action or Student Services for Gender-Based and Sexual Misconduct.  Upon receiving the report, the office contacted will respond promptly and thoroughly in accord with its policies.  In addition, Columbia offers a number of confidential resources to community members who believe they have been subjected to any form of discrimination, harassment, or gender-based misconduct.  
University employees play an important role in stopping discrimination, harassment, and gender-based misconduct.  Employees who learn of suspected instances of this type of behavior, directly or indirectly, have a duty to report the information immediately to the appropriate office identified within this site.  Confidential resources on campus (mental-health counselors, medical providers, clergy, and rape-crisis counselors) are not bound by this duty except as required by law.


New Employee-Faculty Orientation Program
for Faculty and Staff

Professional Development, an institution-wide effort underway since September 2005, strengthens the College's integrity in its internal processes and enhances the community. The the New Employee-Faculty Orientation Initiative for faculty and staff includes efforts in response to many TC voices requesting professional development. The Program includes: An Introduction to TC staff and resources, Cultural and Racial Microaggressions, Promoting Mutual Respect and Preventing Workplace Harassment (Sexual Harassment and Anti-Discrimination Training), Title IX, and Information Privacy Compliance Trainings addressing the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act. To RSVP, please contact Juan Carlos Reyes in the Office for Diversity and Community Affairs (, x3391).

New Employee and Faculty Orientation Series - Fall 2017

The ODCA presents

The New Employee and Faculty Orientation Series in Three Parts


Tuesday, September 19, 2017, 9:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. - Part I: Cultural and Racial Microaggressions; Room 179 Grace Dodge.  


Kevin Nadal – Professor of Psychology and Mental Health Counseling – John Jay College/Executive Director, LGBTQ/Filipino American Scholar and Community Leader (received Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology from TC in 2008)


Wednesday, September 27, 2017, 9:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. - Part II: Promoting Mutual Respect and Preventing Workplace Harassment and Gender-Based Misconduct; Room 179 Grace Dodge 


KC Wagner – Cornell University School of Industrial and Labor Relations, Director, Workplace Issues
Janice Robinson, Vice President for Diversity and Community Affairs and TC’s Title IX Coordinator
Melissa Rooker, Executive Director for Equity and TC’s Section 504 Compliance Officer


Tuesday, October 10, 2017, 9:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. - Part III: Federal Information Privacy Compliance Training (FERPA/ Gramm Leach Bliley) and Cyber Security; Room 179 Grace Dodge. 


  • Diana Maul – FERPA Officer; Executive Director for Academic Affairs Compliance, Office of the Vice Provost.
  • Daniel Aracena, Chief Information Officer
     *Individuals with disabilities are invited to request reasonable accommodations including, but not limited to sign language interpretation, Braille or large print materials, and a campus map of accessible features. Address these requests to OASID at x3689, x3853 TTY, (646)755-3144 video phone, or via email at

Teachers College

Promoting Mutual Respect and Preventing Workplace Harassment

New Employee & Faculty Orientation Series - Fall 2017

Part II: Promoting Mutual Respect and Preventing Workplace Harassment & Gender-Based Misconduct (Title IX)

This Workshop is Open to All Current Employees

Thursday, September 27, 2017, 9:30AM – 12:30PM, 179 Grace Dodge

An interactive session created to promote awareness of laws and institutional procedures about sexual harassment, anti-discrimination, and other forms of bias and harassment, plus a timely update regarding changes to the Title IX statute.

The Workshop Is Open to All Teachers College Employees. The dates are listed above scheduled for the training: Promoting Mutual Respect and Preventing Workplace Harassment (Sexual Harassment, Anti-Discrimination & Gender-Based Misconduct/Title IX Training). PARTICIPATION IN ONE HARASSMENT SESSION IS REQUIRED. Failure to do so may render the College unable to indemnify or defend you if you are involved in a complaint leading to legal action.

In an effort to increase the College's awareness of the federal and state laws and institutional procedures surrounding sexual harassment and other forms of harassment, we have been delivering a series of required trainings since the 2006 - 2007 academic year for faculty, staff and administration.

The Promoting Mutual Respect and Preventing Workplace Harassmentorientation session is designed as a 2.5 hour interactive session created to help engage and educate everyone on the importance of understanding the laws, policies, avenues of institutional support for appropriate corrective action and protection against retaliation; and to identify behaviors that contribute to bias, stereotyping, and harassment. The program focuses on gender-based misconduct, sexual assault and violence, and Title IX information. The program will enlighten you and reinforce your obligation to conduct yourself in a manner that contributes to the well-being of the TC community. We have engaged KC Wagner, Director of Workplace Issues at the Cornell School of Labor Relations, to lead the trainings.

Professional Development, an institution-wide effort underway since September 2005, has come in response to the many TC voices requesting professional development and strengthens the College's integrity in its internal processes and enhances the community. The Promoting Mutual Respect and Preventing Workplace Harassment training is one of the series of designed programs that will ultimately enhance productive working and community relationships and increase awareness surrounding these pressing issues.

*Individuals with disabilities are invited to request reasonable accommodations including, but not limited to sign language interpretation, Braille or large print materials, and a campus map of accessible features. Address these requests to OASID at x3689, x3853 TTY, (646)755-3144 video phone, or via email at

New Employee & Faculty Orientation Series - Fall 2016

In 150 Horace Mann;

Part III: Federal Information Privacy Compliance Training: FERPA (Family Educational Rights & Privacy Act) & Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act

Wednesday, October 5, 2016
9:30am - 12:00pm


For more information about Privacy Compliance, please contact Diana Maul, Executive Director of Academic Affairs Compliance and FERPA Officer, 212.678.4029. ALL TEACHERS COLLEGE EMPLOYEES ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR COMPLYING TO THE PRIVACY RULES AND LAWS.



ODCA is spearheading a college-wide professional development initiative for faculty and staff. The purpose is to create a positive working and community environment that seeks to encourage professional and personal growth, enhance TC's preventative law awareness, enhance campus culture and strengthen relationships within the community.

The College began this effort with Information Privacy Compliance Training in March 2006. The training covered the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act. FERPA governs the students privacy rights of their educational records. Gramm-Leach-Bliley involves safeguarding the College's information. To ensure that the community is well informed about the issues involving FERPA and the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, the College delivered a government mandated program for all faculty and staff. This two and a half hour session helped illustrate the best practices needed to secure privacy and confidentiality for ourselves, colleagues, students and alumni. It provided answers to commonly asked questions as well as attempted to provide answers for employees specific needs.

*Individuals with disabilities are invited to request reasonable accommodations including, but not limited to sign language interpretation, Braille or large print materials, and a campus map of accessible features. Address these requests to OASID at x3689, x3853 TTY, (646)755-3144 video phone, or via email at

Office of Access and Services for Individuals with Disabilities

Visit Website

Teachers College, Columbia University

Counseling Services

Any member of the Teachers College community may experience difficulties at work or in personal life for which professional guidance and counseling may be helpful. There are a number of resources for different members of the community listed below. This is not a comprehensive list, but a work in progress to which we invite additions and corrections.

Employee Assistance Program (EAP):

Available to all full-time employees of the College and their family members (traditional/non-traditional and extended family). The purpose of the EAP is to help find solutions to issues or problems. The EAP is managed by an outside professional organization, the Employee Development Center of the Cornell University Medical College, and offers free short-term counseling and referrals. Services are completely private and confidential. You may contact them at:

Employee Assistance Program, Employee Development Center, Cornell Medical Center, 136 East 57th Street, Suite 405, New York, NY

Phone: (212) 935-3030

Hours: Monday through Friday 9:00am - 5:00 pm

If there is an emergency, you can call EDC at any hour, seven days a week. Counselors are on-call 24 hours a day.

Columbia Health Services

Confidential counseling services are available to all students who have paid the Health Service Fee. In addition, as resources permit, special counseling programs and support groups are offered. Details may be found on the Web site listed below.

Columbia University Health Service, Counseling and Psychological Service, Lerner Hall, 8th floor
Phone: (212) 854-2878

Hours: Appointments are strongly encouraged, and may be made in person or by telephone (854-2878). A Walk-In hour, when students may be seen for a brief consultation without prior appointment, is especially suitable for students with an urgent problem. Walk-In hour is offered daily, during the academic year, from 1:00 to 2:00 pm.

After hours, during the academic year, for urgent medical consultation, you may contact the Clinician On-call at 415-0120. In the event of psychiatric emergency, contact the St. Luke's-Roosevelt Hospital Center Psychiatric Emergency Room at 113th Street and Amsterdam Avenue, (212) 523-3347
Web site:

The Dean Hope Center for Educational and Psychological Services

The Center for Educational and Psychological Services (CEPS) is a community service, training, and research facility operated by Teachers College, Columbia University. CEPS offers a wide range of educational and psychological services to the greater New York community at affordable rates. These services are provided by advanced graduate students who are enrolled in professional, masters or doctoral degree programs at the college. Members of the Teachers College faculty closely supervise the provision of these services.

Room: 657 Thorndike Phone: (212) 678-3262

Teachers College, Columbia University

Grievances and Collective Bargaining Unit Members


Union Members should refer to their respective Union Contracts and Shop Stewards for assistance with grievances. The current shop stewards are:

Local 2110:

Isaac Freeman (Mailroom), Unit Chair,, x3700

Marcia Ruiz (TC Press), Joint Council Delegate/Shop Steward,, x3929

Stacy Thomas (CIS - Academic Computing), Joint Council Delegate/ Shop Steward,, x3484

Marilyn Audain (Registrar), Shop Steward,, x4059

Michelle Hill (Curriculum and Teaching), Shop Steward,, x3073

Local 707:

Waverly Cannady (Facilities), Shop Steward,, x3128

Nancy Rivera (Facilities), Assistant Shop Steward,, 212.870.6100

Stephen Laurenzi, (Public Safety), Shop Steward,

Local 32BJ:


CU Office of Multicultural Affairs

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