2019 NSF Collaborative Workshop - Content

2019 NSF Collaborative Workshop


Currently across K-12 education, schools and districts are investing in Instructional Data Warehouses (IDW) and School Information Systems (SIS) in an effort to provide actionable information for educators to inform evidence-based practice and decision-making. Yet, across research and practice, much work remains to understand the types of data to display that are most helpful to teacher, principal, and central office decision making, as well as what types of data dashboards, visualizations, and UX best serve the needs of schooling communities. This work requires insights from both educators in schools as well as the current work of education data scientists working at the intersection of research and practice. As part of a larger National Science Foundation funded project, we are gathering educators and education data scientists together for an exciting interactive two-day event to learn together through a datasprint design-based collaborative workshop. The goal of the event is to work to understand the needs of educators around education data and data dashboards, and then iteratively build prototype visualizations and code together to help address educator data use needs across the system.


Workshop Website   Workshop Report


How Education Data Can Help Teachers Raise Their Game

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