2023 ELDA Conference - Content

ELDA 2023 Conference


ELDA 2023 Conference (#ELDA2023) consisted of a set of engaging speakers and panels in the morning and then transitioned to afternoon concurrent paper sessions and an innovative data visualization and dashboard expo. Throughout these exciting sessions, participants networked and collaborated around the central issues of the research, training and capacity-building questions that were central to the field to engage schools, districts, and education system leaders in evidence-based improvement cycles informed by data analytics, data science, and equity-focused engagement with communities and stakeholders around their data, data visualizations, Instructional Data Warehouses (IDWs), machine learning, and recommendation and pattern analytic systems.

On the evening of Thursday June 22, we hosted a reception, networking and poster-session pre-conference event, from 5-7pm, at Teachers College, Columbia University. The following day, Friday, June 23, the Keynote Speakers, Drs. Brandi Hinnant-Crawford and Elizabeth N. Farley-Ripple, presented their research in Milbank Chapel. 

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