Hammer, Carol J. (cjh2207)

Carol Scheffner Hammer

Professor of Communication Sciences and Disorders
Director, Developing Language and Literacy Lab
Dr. Hammer is not currently accepting doctoral students.

Office Location:

1159 Building 528

Office Hours:

By appointment

Scholarly Interests

Dr. Hammer’s research addresses four interrelated areas that focus on young children’s school readiness and academic outcomes.  These include: trajectories of children’s language and literacy development; environmental and cultural influences on children’s development; assessment of children’s language abilities; and interventions that promote children’s language and literacy development.  Dr. Hammer has a particular interest in bilingual children and children from diverse socio-cultural backgrounds. 

Educational Background

Ph.D., University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa, Speech Pathology

M.A., Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois, Speech Pathology

B.A., Augustana College, Rock Island, Illinois, Speech Pathology and Psychology

Selected Publications

Larson, A., Baralt, M., *Hokenson, J., Hammer, C.S., Barrett, T & DeVibiss, N. (2022). A randomized controlled trial assessing the effectiveness of the Háblame Bebé® mobile application with Spanish-speaking mothers experiencing economic hardship. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology.

Sawyer, B., Hammer, C.S., Santoro, *J., Smith, J., & Feil, E. (2022) Developing Parents Plus: A Caregiver-Implemented Intervention for Young Children with Developmental Language Disorders. Infants and Young Children.

Escobar, K.*, Smith, J.*, Hammer, C.S., & Rodríguez, B.L. (2022). In B. Goldstein & Convoy, B. (Ed.), Bilingual development and disorders in Spanish-English speakers (3rd Ed). Baltimore, MD: Brookes Publishers.

Bitetti, D., & Hammer, C.S. (2021). English Narrative Macrostructure Development of Spanish-English Bilingual Children from Preschool to First Grade. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology.

Hammer, C.S., & Limlingan, M.C.* (2021). How bilingualism affects children’s language development. D. Castro & A. Artiles (Eds.), Language, learning, and disability: Issues, Opportunities in the education of young bilingual children. Bristol, UK: Multilingual Matters.

Hammer, C.S., Cycyk, L., Scarpino, S., Sawyer, B., & Jury, K. (2020). Development of the CECER-DLL Child and Family Questionnaire: A New Tool for Documenting the Language and Literacy Experiences of Latino/a Dual Language Learners. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism.

Castro, D., Hammer. C.S., Franco, X., Burchinal, M., Cycyk, L., & Scarpino, S. (2020). Documenting bilingual experiences in the early years: Using the CECER-DLL Child and Family and Teacher Questionnaires. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition.

López, L., Komaroff, E., Hammer, C.S., Rodríguez, B., Scarpino, S., Bitetti, D., & Goldstein, B. (2020). Are we all speaking the same language? Exploring language interactions in the homes of young Latino DLLs living in the U.S. Early Education and Development.

Larson, A.L., An, Z.G., Wood, C.A., Uchikoshi, Y., Cycyk, L. M., Hammer, C.S., Escobar, K.*, & Roberts, K.* (2020). Social validity in early language interventions for dual language learners: A systematic review of research. Topics in Early Childhood Special Education.

Bitetti, D.*, Hammer, C.S., & Lopéz, L.M. (2020). The Narrative Macrostructure Production of Spanish-English Bilingual Preschoolers: Within- and Cross-Language Relations. Applied Psycholinguistics.

Larson, A., Carta, J., Hammer, C.S., Cycyk, L., Uchikoshi, Y, An, G., & Wood, Carla. (2020). A Systematic Review of Language-Focused Interventions for Young Children from Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Backgrounds, Early Childhood Research Quarterly. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecresq.2019.06.001

Keffala, B.*, Scarpino, S.E., Hammer, C.S., Rodríguez, B., López, L., & Goldstein, B. (2020). Vocabulary and Phonological Abilities Affect Dual Language Learners’ Consonant Production Accuracy Within and Across Languages: A Large-scale study of 3-6-year-old Spanish-English Dual Language Learners. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 29, 1196-1211.

Cycyk, L.* & Hammer, C.S. (2020). Beliefs, Values, and Practices of Mexican Immigrant Families: Towards Language and Learning in Toddlerhood: Setting the Foundation for Early Childhood Education. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 52, 25-37. 74. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecresq.2018.09.009

Hammer, C.S., Burchinal, M., Hong, S.S., LaForett, D.R., Páez, M., Buysse, V., Espinosa, L., Castro, D., & López, L.M. (2020). Change in Language and Literacy Knowledge for Spanish-English Dual Language Learners at School-Entry: Analyses from Three Studies. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 51, 81-92. doi.org/10.1016/j.ecresq.2019.07.001

Ramírez, R.*, Cycyk, L., Scarpino, S., López, L., & Hammer, C.S. (2020). Teacher Beliefs and Misconceptions Regarding Dual Language Learners in Head Start: An Opportunity for Enhancing Professional Development. National Head Start Association: Dialog, 23, 23-39.

Ramírez, R.*, Cycyk, L., Scarpino, S., López, L., & Hammer, C.S. (2020). Teachers’ Beliefs Regarding Dual Language Learners in Head Start. National Head Start Association: Dialog, 23, 48-52.

Hammer, C.S., & Edmonds, L. A. (2019). Bilingualism in clinical linguistics. In A. De Houwer & L. Ortega (Eds.), The Cambridge handbook of bilingualism (pp. 369–389). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.

Hammer, C.S., Sawyer, B.S. & Cycyk, L. (2019). Madres educando a sus niños: Integrating culture into intervention. In S. Sonnenschein & B.S. Sawyer (Eds.). Building on Black and Latino Families’ Strengths to Support the Early Academic Development of Their Children. New York, NY: Springer Publishing.

Méndez, L.*, Hammer, C.S., López, L., & Blair, C. (2019). Examining language and early numeracy skills in young Latino dual language learners. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 46, 252-261. doi.org/10.1016/j.ecresq.2018.02.004

Scarpino, S., Hammer, C.S., Goldstein, B., Rodríguez, B., & López, L. (2019). Effects of Home Language, Oral Language Skills, and Cross-Linguistic Phonological Abilities on Whole-Word Proximity in Spanish-English Speaking Children. Journal of Speech-Language-Hearing Research,19, 174-187. doi. 10.1044/2018_AJSLP-18-0050


* Student Author

Honors of the Association, American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, 2024

Meritorious Poster, American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Annual Convention, 2014.

Meritorious Poster, American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Annual Convention, 2011.

Fellow, American Speech Language Hearing Association, 2010.

Editor’s Award, Outstanding Research Article.  Language, Speech & Hearing Services in Schools, 2007.

Editor’s Award, Outstanding Research Article.  Contemporary Issues in Communication Science and Disorders, 2002.

Inaugural Cadre of Advisors and Board Recognized Specialist, Specialty Board on Child Language, 2002-2008. 


Vice Dean for Research                                                                                                                     

         Teachers College, Columbia University                                                              2020-Present

Interim Vice Provost for Research and Academic Affairs                                                                

         Teachers College, Columbia University                                                                  2021-2022

Chair, Department of Biobehavioral Sciences

         Teachers College, Columbia University                                                                           2020

Professor of Communication Sciences & Disorders

         Department of Biobehavioral Sciences

         Teachers College, Columbia University                                                              2015-Present

Chair, Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders                                                         

         Temple University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania                                                   2012-2015

Interim Chair, Department of Communication Sciences and

         Disorders, Temple University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania                                   2011-2012

Professor, Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders                                                  

         Temple University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania                                                   2009-2015

Visiting Scholar, Center for Developmental Science                                                                          

         University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, North Carolina                                     2004-2005

Associate Professor, Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders

         Penn State University, University Park, Pennsylvania                                         2003-2009

Assistant Professor, Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders

Penn State University, University Park, Pennsylvania                                                  1997-2003

Research Scientist, Department of Speech Pathology

         The University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa                                                           1996-1997

Post-Doctoral Fellow, School of Audiology and Speech Pathology

         The University of Memphis, Memphis, Tennessee                                              1996

Instructor and Speech Pathologist, Temple University

         Philadelphia, Pennsylvania                                                                              1995-1996

Doctoral Student/Candidate, Speech Pathology, The University of Iowa     

         Iowa City, Iowa                                                                                             1991-1996

Consultant for Early Childhood Special Education & Speech-Language Pathology

         Black Hawk Area Special Education District, East Moline, Illinois                         1989-1991

      Clinical Supervisor, Augustana College, Rock Island, Illinois                                  1989-1991

Coordinator and Speech Pathologist, Children’s Resource Center

         Birth to Three and Preschool Special Education Services

         Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands                                               1987-1989

Speech Pathologist, Integrated Special Infant Services

         San Francisco State University, San Francisco, California                                   1986-1987

Speech Pathologist, Bay Area Speech and Hearing Clinic

         Fremont, California                                                                                         1986-1987

Language Development Specialist, Parent-Infant Program

         Association for Retarded Citizens, San Leandro, California                                  1984-1986

Speech Pathologist, Oak Park Public Schools, Oak Park, Illinois                                    1983-1984

In Progress

 09/22-08/25 Accelerating Preschool Children's Language Development           $1,893,283.00

        with Parents Plus

Institute of Education Sciences (R324X220032)

U.S. Department of Education

Role: Co-PI (PI: Sawyer, Lehigh University)

10/14-09/24    Bridging the Word Gap Research Network                                             $3,000,000     

Health Resources Service Administration (UA6MC 27762)

Role: Leadership Team Member (2016-2024)

Work Group Member (2014-2016) (PI: Carta - University of Kansas)



09/17-08/22    Early Language and Literacy Professional Development for           $2,685,000

                        Teachers of English Learners

                        US Department of Education T365Z170114

                        Role: PI

07/20-10/22    Developing Sustainable ExCELL Coaching                                               $128,000     

                        Robin Hood Foundation

                        Role: PI

09/16-08/21    Development of the Bilingual Assessment of Phonological            $1,400,000


                        Institute of Education Sciences R305A160081

                        US Department of Education

                        Role: PI

09/16-08/21    Parents Plus: Language Coach                                                                       $1,500,000

                        Institute of Education Sciences R324A160070

                        US Department of Education

                        Role: Co-PI (PI: Sawyer - Lehigh University)

08/17-3/19      Háblame bebé (Talk to Me Baby): Reducing the Word Gap               $14,900     

and promoting bilingualism in low-income Hispanic children

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association

Role: Co-PI (PI: Larson - Utah State University)

01/12-06/17    Exceptional Coaching for Early Language and Literacy-                   $3,000,000


                        Investing in Innovation (U411C110111)

  1. S. Department of Education
  2. S. Department of Education

                        Role: Co-PI (PI: Wasik - Temple University)

08/14-011/15   American Speech-Language-Hearing Association                             $9,560

Role: PI/Faculty Mentor (Student PI: Cycyk - U of Oregon)

06/09-05/15    Tools of the Mind: Promoting ELLs’ Language,                                    $3,172,430

                        Self-Regulation & School-Readiness (1U01HD060296-01)

                        NIH-National Institute of Child Health and Human Development

                        Role: PI

03/12-02/15    Risk Factors and Services for Language Delays in Early                    $700,000

Childhood: Population-Based Estimates (R324A120046)

US Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences

Role: Co-PI (PI: Morgan – Penn State University)

05/10-03/14    Center for Early Care and Education Research: Dual                         $4,500,000

                        Language Learners (90YR0041)

                        Administration for Children and Families

                        Role: Co-PI (PI: Castro – University of North Carolina)


04/13-12/13    Diversity Supplement to Tools of the Mind: Promoting                     $90,270

                        ELLs’ Language, Self-Regulation & School Readiness


                        NIH-National Institute of Child Health and Human

                        Development, Role: PI

10/05-06/12    Assessing Bilingual Phonological Development                                 $2,955,657

                        in Young Children (R01-HD051542)

                        National Institutes of Health,                        

                        National Institute of Child Health & Human Development

                        Administration for Children and Families

                        Role: PI

09/07-09/11    Promoting the Emergent Literacy Development of English                 $500,000

                        Language Learners: A Culturally Informed Approach (90YF0065)

                        Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for

                        Children and Families

                        Role: PI                                                          

09/08-02/11    The Status of Dual Language Learners Participating in Head Start     $500,000

                        and Early Head Start Programs

                        Contract: Administration of Children and Families,

                        Role: Co-Principal Investigator (PI: West - Mathematica)

10/05-09/09    Preventing Illiteracy and Disabilities through Early Intervention     $1,054,000

  1. S. Department of Education (H325K054187)
  2. S. Department of Education (H325H020021)

                        Role: Investigator (PI: Blood - Penn State University)

01/05-12/08    Forming Outreach Community University Systems for                                     

                        Engagement (FOCUS)

                        Kellogg Foundation

                        Role: Investigator (PI: Bierman - Penn State University)

06/06-05/07    Center for Language Science                                                                  $15,000

                        Children, Youth and Family Consortium

                        Penn State University

                        Role: Investigator (PI: Kroll - Penn State University)

06/05-05/07    Reading Development in Bilingual Children                                          $47,290

                        Children, Youth and Family Consortium

                        Penn State University

                        Role: PI


04/03-05/07    Minority Supplement to Bilingual Preschoolers:                                  $272,299

                        Precursors to Literacy (R01- HD39496)

                        National Institutes of Health

                        National Institute of Child Health and Human Development

                        Role: PI

07/03-05/07    Competing Supplement to Bilingual Preschoolers:                              $504,665

                        Precursors to Literacy (R01-HD39496-S1)

                        National Institutes of Health,

                        National Institute of Child Health and Human Development

                        Role: PI

09/00–05/07    Bilingual Preschoolers: Precursors to Literacy                                  $2,079,940

                        National Institutes of Health (R01-HD39496)

                        National Institute of Child Health & Human Development

                        Institute of Education Sciences

                        Role: PI

08/02-07/06    The Speech, Language, Literacy Project                                               $793,168

                        Role: Co-Director (PI: Blood - Penn State University)

07/05-06/06    Phonological Development of Bilingual Spanish and                             $15,985

                        English Speaking Children

                        American Speech Language Hearing Association

                        Role: Co-PI (PI: Miccio - Penn State University)

09/04-08/05    Exploring Hispanic Parents' beliefs about early literacy                         $15,000

                        Advancing Academic Careers Award

                        American Speech Language and Hearing Association

                        Role: Faculty Mentor (PI: Rodríguez - U of New Mexico)

02/03-06/04    Literacy Development in Bilingual Children                                          $22,000

                        Children, Youth and Family Consortium

                        Penn State University

                        Role: Co-PI (PI: Miccio - Penn State University)

06/99-05/02    Penn State University – Rural Speech Language Program                   $594,990


  1. S. Department of Education
  2. S. Department of Education

                        Role: Co-Director (PI: Blood - Penn State University)

06/99-08/00    The Penn State AAC Project (H325A990047)                                    $895,611

                        Role: Co-Director (PI: Light - Penn State University)          

11/98-10/99    Home literacy experiences of African American and Hispanic              $13,231

                        Preschool Children

                        American Speech-Language-Hearing Association               

                        Role: PI

  1. Larson, A., Baralt, M., Hokenson, J., Hammer, C.S., Barrett, T & DeVibiss, N. (2022).  A randomized controlled trial assessing the effectiveness of the Háblame Bebé® mobile application with Spanish-speaking mothers experiencing economic hardship. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology.


  1. Sawyer, B., Hammer, C.S., Santoro, J., Smith, J., & Feil, E. (2022) Developing Parents Plus: A Caregiver-Implemented Intervention for Young Children with Developmental Language Disorders. Infants and Young Children. 


  1. Bitetti, D., & Hammer, C.S. (2021). English Narrative Macrostructure Development of Spanish-English Bilingual Children from Preschool to First Grade. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology.


  1. Hammer, C.S., Cycyk, L., Scarpino, S., Sawyer, B., & Jury, K. (2020). Development of the CECER-DLL Child and Family Questionnaire: A New Tool for Documenting the Language and Literacy Experiences of Latino/a Dual Language Learners. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism.


  1. Castro, D., Hammer. C.S., Franco, X., Burchinal, M., Cycyk, L., & Scarpino, S. (2020). Documenting bilingual experiences in the early years: Using the CECER-DLL Child and Family and Teacher Questionnaires. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition.


  1. López, L., Komaroff, E., Hammer, C.S., Rodríguez, B., Scarpino, S., Bitetti, D., & Goldstein, B. (2020). Are we all speaking the same language? Exploring language interactions in the homes of young Latino DLLs living in the U.S. Early Education and Development.


  1. Larson, A. L., An, Z. G., Wood, C. A., Uchikoshi, Y., Cycyk, L. M., Hammer, C. S., Escobar, K.*, & Roberts, K.* (2020). Social validity in early language interventions for dual language learners: A systematic review of research. Topics in Early Childhood Special Education.


  1. Escobar, K.*, Smith, J.*, Hammer, C.S., & Rodríguez, B.L. (2022). In B. Goldstein & Convoy, B. (Ed.), Bilingual development and disorders in Spanish-English speakers (3rd Ed). Baltimore, MD: Brookes Publishers.


  1. Hammer, C.S., & Limlingan, M. C.* (2021).  How bilingualism affects children’s language development. D. Castro & A. Artiles (Eds.), Language, learning, and disability: Issues, Opportunities in the education of young bilingual children. Bristol, UK: Multilingual Matters.


  1. Bitetti, D.*, Hammer, C.S., & Lopéz, L.M. (2020).  The Narrative Macrostructure Production of Spanish-English Bilingual Preschoolers: Within- and Cross-Language Relations. Applied Psycholinguistics.


  1.   Larson, A., Carta, J., Hammer, C.S., Cycyk, L., Uchikoshi, Y, An, G., & Wood, Carla. (2020).  A Systematic Review of Language-Focused Interventions for Young Children from Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Backgrounds,  Early Childhood Research Quarterly. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecresq.2019.06.001


  1. Keffala, B.*, Scarpino, S.E., Hammer, C.S., Rodríguez, B., López, L., & Goldstein, B. (2020).  Vocabulary and Phonological Abilities Affect Dual Language Learners’ Consonant Production Accuracy Within and Across Languages: A Large-scale study of 3-6-year-old Spanish-English Dual Language Learners. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 29, 1196-1211.


  1.   Cycyk, L.* & Hammer, C.S. (2020). Beliefs, Values, and Practices of Mexican Immigrant Families: Towards Language and Learning in Toddlerhood: Setting the Foundation for Early Childhood Education.  Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 52, 25-37. 74.  https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecresq.2018.09.009


  1. Hammer, C.S., Burchinal, M., Hong, S.S., LaForett, D.R., Páez, M., Buysse, V., Espinosa, L., Castro, D., & López, L.M. (2020). Change in Language and Literacy Knowledge for Spanish-English Dual Language Learners at School-Entry: Analyses from Three Studies. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 51, 81-92. doi.org/10.1016/j.ecresq.2019.07.001


  1. Ramírez, R.*, Cycyk, L., Scarpino, S., López, L., & Hammer, C.S. (2020). Teacher Beliefs and Misconceptions Regarding Dual Language Learners in Head Start: An Opportunity for Enhancing Professional Development. National Head Start Association: Dialog, 23, 23-39.


  1. Ramírez, R.*, Cycyk, L., Scarpino, S., López, L., & Hammer, C.S. (2020). Teachers’ Beliefs Regarding Dual Language Learners in Head Start. National Head Start Association: Dialog, 23, 48-52. 


  1. Hammer, C. S., & Edmonds, L. A. (2019). Bilingualism in clinical linguistics. In A. De Houwer & L. Ortega (Eds.), The Cambridge handbook of bilingualism (pp. 369–389). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.


  1. Hammer, C.S., Sawyer, B.S. & Cycyk, L. (2019). Madres educando a sus niños: Integrating culture into intervention.  In S. Sonnenschein & B.S. Sawyer (Eds.). Building on Black and Latino Families’ Strengths to Support the Early Academic Development of Their Children. New York, NY: Springer Publishing. 


  1. Méndez, L.*, Hammer, C.S., López, L., & Blair, C. (2019). Examining language and early numeracy skills in young Latino dual language learners. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 46, 252-261. doi.org/10.1016/j.ecresq.2018.02.004


  1. Scarpino, S., Hammer, C.S., Goldstein, B., Rodríguez, B., & López, L.  (2019).  Effects of Home Language, Oral Language Skills, and Cross-Linguistic Phonological Abilities on Whole-Word Proximity in Spanish-English Speaking Children.  Journal of Speech-Language-Hearing Research,19, 174-187.  doi. 10.1044/2018_AJSLP-18-0050


  1. Willard, J.*, Cycyk, L.,* Bitetti, D*. & Hammer, C.S. (2019).  Mothers’ depressive symptoms and their children’s Turkish heritage language vocabulary development. International Journal of Bilingualism, 23, 71-86.  doi:10.1177/13670069|7709095


  1. Sawyer, B.E., Cycyk, L.M.*, Sandilos, L.*, &  Hammer, C.S. (2018). “So many books they don’t even all fit on the bookshelf”: An examination of low-income and ethnic minority mothers’ home literacy practices, beliefs, and influencing factors. Journal of Early Childhood Literacy, 18 (3), 331-372. doi: 10.1177/1468798416667542 


  1. Sawyer, B.S., Atkins-Burnett, S., E. Sandilos, L., Hammer, C.S., López, L., & Clancy Blair (2018). Variations in Classroom Language Environments of Preschool Children who are Low-Income and Linguistically Diverse, Early Education and Development,29, 398-416. 


  1. Hammer, C.S., Morgan, P., Farkas, G., Maczuga, S., Hillemeier, M., & Bitetti, D.*  (2017).  A population-based study of late talkers’ school readiness.  Journal of Speech-Language-Hearing Research, 60, 607-626.   


  1. Bitetti, D.* & Hammer, C.S. (2016).  The Home Literacy Environment and the English Narrative Development of Spanish-English Bilingual Children.  Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 59, 1159–1171.


  1. Hammer, C.S., & Sawyer, B. (2016).  Development of a Culturally Responsive Book Reading Intervention for Latina Mothers and their Head Stat Children. National Head Start Association Dialog, 18 (4), 123-128.  


  1. Hammer, C.S., & Sawyer, B. (2016).  Effects of a Culturally Responsive Interactive Book-Reading Intervention on the Language Abilities of Preschool Dual Language Learners: A Pilot Study.  National Head Start Association Dialog, 18 (4), 59-79.  


  1. Morgan, P., Hammer, C.S., Farkas, G., Hillemeier, M., Maczuga, S., Cook, M., & Morano, S. (2016).  Who receives speech/language services by five years of age in the U.S.? American Journal of Speech Language Pathology, 25, 183-199.  doi:10.1044/2015_AJSLP-14-0201


  1. Lewis, K.*,  Hammer, C.S., Sandilos, L.*, Sawyer, B. & Méndez, L.* (2016).  Relations among the home language and literacy environment and children's language abilities: A study of Head Start Dual Language Learners and their mothers. Early Education and Development, 27, 478-494.


  1. Sawyer, B., Hammer, C.S., Cycyk, L., López, L., Blair, C., Sandilos, L., & Komaroff, E (2016). Teachers' language and literacy practices with dual language learners.  Bilingual Research Journal, 39 (1), 35-49.  doi:10.1080/15235882.2016.1138904 


  1. Sandilos, L.*, Lewis, K.*, Komaroff, E., Hammer, C.S.,  Rodríguez, B., López, L., & Goldstein, B., (2015).  Analysis of bilingual children’s performance on the English and Spanish versions of the Woodcock-Muñoz Language Survey-R (WMLS-R).  Language Assessment Quarterly: An International Journal, 12, 386-408. 


  1. Cycyk, L.*, Hammer, C.S., & Bitetti, D.* (2015).  Maternal depressive symptomatology, social support, and language development of low-income bilingual children. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 24, 411-425.  


  1. Morgan, P., Farkas, G., Hillimeier, M , Hammer, C.S., & Maczaga, S. (2015). Early vocabulary knowledge and its relation to school readiness. Child Development, 86, 1351-1370.   


  1. Sandilos, L.*, Cycyk, L.*, Hammer, C.S., Sawyer, B., López, L., & Blair, C. ( 2015).  Depression, control, and climate: An examination of factors impacting teaching quality in preschool classrooms. Early Education and Development, 26, 1111-1127.  


  1. Hindman, A., Snell, E., Wasik, B., Lewis, K.*, Hammer, C.S., Iannone-Campbell, C. (2015).  Research and practice partnerships for professional development in early childhood: Lessons from ExCELL-e.  Journal of Education for Students Placed at Risk.


  1. Hammer, C.S. (2014).  “Life is Hard, but I’m trying:” Understanding the Lives of the Families Speech-Language Pathologists Serve (pp. 207-218).  In M. Ball, N. Muller, & R. Nelson (Eds.), Handbook in qualitative research in communication disorders.  New York, NY: Routledge.


  1. Hammer, C.S., Hoff, E., Uchikoshi, Y., Gillanders, C. & Sandilos, L.* (2014). The Language and Literacy Development of Young Dual Language Learners: A Critical Review.  Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 29, 715-733. 


  1. Buysse, V., Peisner-Feinberg, E., Páez, M, Hammer, C.S., & Knowles, M.* (2014).  Effects of Early Education Programs and Practices on the Development and Learning of Dual Language Learners: A Review of the Literature.  Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 29, 765-785.  


  1. Mason, L.H., Davison, M.D.*, Hammer, C.S., & Miller, C.A. (2013).  Knowledge and language outcomes for a reading comprehension and writing intervention. Reading and Writing: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 26, 1133-1158.


  1. Davison, M.D.*, & Hammer, C.S. (2012).  Development of 14 English Grammatical Morphemes in Spanish-English Preschoolers. Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics, 26, 728-742.  


  1. Hammer, C.S., & Rodríguez, B. (2012).  Bilingual language acquisition and the child socialization process (pp. 31-46).  In B. Goldstein (Ed.), Bilingual development and disorders in Spanish-English speakers (2nd Ed). Baltimore, MD: Brookes Publishers.


  1. Hammer, C.S. (2012). Dual language learners’ language development: A range of possibilities.  Young Exceptional Children Monograph Series, 14, 1-14.  


  1. Hammer, C.S., Komaroff, E., Rodríguez, B., L, L., Scarpino, S., & Goldstein, B. (2012).   Predicting Spanish-English Bilingual Children’s Language Abilities. Journal of Speech-Language-Hearing Research, 55, 1251-1264


  1. Davison, M.D.*, Hammer, C.S., & Lawrence, F.R., (2011). Associations between Preschool Language and First Grade Reading Outcomes in Bilingual Children.  Journal of Communication Disorders, 44, 444-458. 


  1. Hammer, C.S., Jia, G., & Uchikoshi, Y. (2011). Language and Literacy Development of Dual Language Learners Growing Up in the United States: A Call for Research.  Child Development Perspectives, 5, 4-9. 


  1. Hammer, C.S., Rodríguez, B.L., Davison, M.D.*, Lawrence, F.L., & Miccio, A.W. (2011). Changes in Language Usage of Puerto Rican Mothers and Their Children: Do Gender and Timing of Exposure to English Matter? Applied Psycholinguistics, 32, 275-297. 


  1. Hammer, C.S., Scarpino, S., & Davison, M.D.* (2011).  Beginning with language:  Spanish-English Bilingual Preschoolers’ Early Literacy Development (pp. 118-135).  Dickinson, D., & Neuman, S. (Eds.), Handbook on research in early literacy (Vol. 3). NY: Guilford Publications.


  1. Scarpino, S.*, Davison, M.*, & Hammer, C.S. (2011). Predicting Bilingual Spanish-English Children`s Phonological Awareness Abilities from their Growth in English and Spanish Oral Language.  Journal of Research in Reading, 34, 77-93. 


  1. Hammer, C.S., Farkas, G., & Maczuga, S. (2010).  The language and literacy development of Head Start children: A study using the Family and Child Experiences Survey Database. Language, Speech and Hearing Services in Schools, 41, 70-83.  


  1. Hammer, C.S., & Rodríguez, B. (2010).  Individual differences in bilingual children’s language competencies: The case for Spanish and English. In A.L. Weiss (Ed.). Individual Differences Affecting Therapeutic Change in Communication Disorders (57-80). New York, NY: Psychology Press.


  1. Hammer, C.S., Davison, M.D.*, Lawrence, F.R., & Miccio, A.W. (2009).  The effect of home language on bilingual children’s vocabulary and emergent literacy development during Head Start and kindergarten.  Scientific Studies of Reading - Special Issue, 13 (2), 99-121.   


  1. Miccio, A.W., Hammer, C.S. & Rodríguez, B.L. (2009).  Code-switching and language disorders in young bilingual children (pp. 241-252). In J. Toribio & B. Bullock (Eds.), Handbook on linguistic code-switching. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.


  1. Rodríguez, B., Hammer, C.S., & Lawrence, F.R. (2009). Parent reading belief inventory: Reliability and validity with a sample of Mexican-American families.  Early Education and Development, 20, 826-844.  


  1. Hammer, C.S., Lawrence, F.R., & Miccio, A.W. (2008).  The effect of summer vacation on bilingual preschoolers' language development.  Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics, 22 (9), 686-902.  


  1. Hammer, C.S., Lawrence, F.R., & Miccio, A.W. (2008).  Exposure to English before and after entry into Head Start:  Bilingual Children’s Receptive Language Growth in Spanish and English.  International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 11 (1), 30-56.  


  1. Durham, R.*, Farkas, G., Hammer, C.S., Tomblin, J.B., & Catts, H.W. (2007).  Kindergarten oral language skill: A key variable in the intergenerational transmission of socioeconomic status.  Research in Social Stratification and Mobility, 25, 294-305.  


  1. Hammer, C.S., Lawrence, F.R., & Miccio, A.W. (2007).  Bilingual Children's Language Abilities and Reading Outcomes in Head Start and Kindergarten.  Language, Speech and Hearing Services in Schools, 38, 237-248.  


  1. Hammer, C.S., Rodríguez, B.L., Lawrence, F.R., & Miccio, A.W., (2007).  Puerto Rican mothers’ beliefs and home literacy practices.  Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools, 38, 216-224.


  1. Hammer, C.S., & Miccio, A.W. (2006).  Early Language and Reading Development of Bilingual Preschoolers from Low-Income Families.  Topics in Language Disorders, 26 (4), 302-317.  


  1. Hammer, C.S., Nimmo, D.*, Cohen, R.,* Draheim, H.*, & Johnson, A.* (2005).  Book Reading Interactions Between African American and Puerto Rican Head Start Children and Their Mothers.  Journal of Early Childhood Literacy, 5(3), 195-227.  


  1. Hewitt, L., Hammer, C.S., Yont, C.*, & Tomblin, J.B. (2005). Language sampling for kindergarten children with and without SLI: Mean length of utterance, IPSYN, and NDW.  Journal of Communication Disorders, 38, 197-213. 


  1. Fallon, K.*, Light, J., McNaughton, D., Drager, K., & Hammer, C.S. (2004).  The Effects of Direct Instruction on the Single-Word Reading Skills of Children Who Require Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC).  Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 47, 1424-1439.  


  1. Hammer, C.S., Detwiler, J.*, Blood, G.W., Qualls, C., & Detwiler, J. (2004).  Speech-language pathologists' training and confidence in serving Spanish-English bilingual children.  Journal of Communication Disorders, 37, 91-108.  


  1. Hammer, C.S., & Miccio, A.W.  (2004).  Home literacy experiences of Latino families. In B. Wasik (Ed.), Handbook of family literacy.  Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum. 


  1. Hammer, C.S., Miccio, A.W., & Rodríguez, B. (2004).  Bilingual language acquisition and the child socialization process. In B. Goldstein (Ed.), Bilingual language development and disorders in Spanish-English speakers.  Baltimore, MD: Paul H. Brookes.


  1. Qualls, C.D., Lantz, J.,* Pietryz, L. * Blood, G. & Hammer, C.S.  (2004).  Comprehension of idioms in adolescents with language-based learning disabilities compared to their typically developing peers.  Journal of Communication Disorders, 37, 295-311.


  1. Blood, G.W., Ridenour, V.*, Qualls, C.D., & Hammer, C.S. (2003).  Co-occurring disorders in children who stutter.  Journal of Communication Disorders, 36, 427-448. 


  1. Hammer, C.S., Miccio, A.W., & Wagstaff, D.  (2003). Home literacy experiences and their relationship to bilingual preschoolers’ developing English literacy abilities. Language Speech and Hearing Services in Schools, 34, 20-30.  


  1. Qualls, C.D., O’Brien, R.*, Blood, G.W., & Hammer, C.S.  (2003).  Contextual variation, familiarity, academic literacy, and rural adolescents’ idiom knowledge.  Language Speech and Hearing Services in Schools, 34, 69-79.


  1. Qualls, C.D., Treaster, B.*, Blood, G.W., & Hammer, C.S. (2003).  Lexicalization of idioms in urban fifth graders: A reaction time study.  Journal of Communication Disorders, 36, 245-261.  


  1. Blood, G.W., Blood, R., Hammer, C.S., & Qualls, C.D. (2002).  Occupational stress in SLPs working in health care settings.  Journal of Medical Speech Language Pathology, 10, 201-212.  


  1. Blood, G.W., Swavely, J.*, Thomas, A.*, Blood, R., Qualls, C.D., & Hammer, C.S. (2002).  Job Satisfaction among SLPs working in public school and healthcare settings: A national survey.  Language Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools, 33, 252-270.


  1. Blood, G. W., Thomas, A.*, Ridenour, V.*, Qualls, C.D., & Hammer, C.S. (2002).  Job stress in speech language pathologists working in rural, suburban and urban schools.  Contemporary Issues in Communication Science and Disorders, 29, 132-140.


  1. Hammer, C. S. (2002).  The environment and specific language impairment in children.  Nodisk Tidsskrift for Spesialpedagogikk, 2-3, 133-138 (Nordic Journal of Special Needs Education).  


  1. Miccio, A. W., Hammer, C.S., Toribio, A.J. (2002).  Linguistics and speech-language pathology: Combining knowledge to meet the needs of bilingual children.  Georgetown University Round Table on Languages and Linguistics (GURT- Selected Papers). (pp. 234-251).  Georgetown, MD: Georgetown University Press.


  1. Hammer, C.S., Pennock-Roman, M., Rzasa, S.*, & Tomblin, J.B.  (2002). An analysis of the Test of Language Development-Primary for item bias.  American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 11, 274-284.  


  1. Hammer, C.S., Tomblin, J.B., Zhang, X., & Weiss, A. L. (2001).  Parenting behaviors and their association to SLI in children. International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders, 36, 185-205.


  1. Vernon-Feagans, L. Hammer, C.S., Miccio, A.W., & Manlove, E. (2001).  Early literacy in low income and bilingual children.  In S. Neuman, & D. Dickinson (Eds.), Handbook on research in early literacy (pp. 192-210). NY: Guilford Publications.


  1. Hammer, C.S.  (2000). “Come sit down and let mama read”: Book-reading interactions between African-American mothers and their infants.  In J. Harris, A. Kamhi, & K. Pollock (Eds.), Literacy in African American Communities (pp. 21-44).  Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.


  1. Hammer, C. S. (2000). “We did that Study Already”: Issues in recruiting African American and Hispanic participants for research.  Contemporary Issues in Communication Science and Disorders, 27, 127-135.


  1. Hammer, C.S. & Weiss, A.L.  (2000).   African American mothers' views about their infants’ language development.  American Journal of Speech Language Pathology, 9, 126-140.


  1. Hammer, C.S., & Weiss, A. L. (1999).  Guiding language development: How African American mothers and their infants structure play interactions.  Journal of Speech-Language-Hearing Research, 42, 1219-1233.


  1. Tomblin, J.B., Hammer, C.S., & Zhang, X. (1998).  The association of parental tobacco use and SLI.  International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders, 33, 357-368


  1. Hammer, C.S. (1998).  Toward a 'Thick Description' of families:  Using ethnography to overcome the obstacles to providing family-centered services.  American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 9, 1-22.  


  1. Zebrowski, P.M., Weiss, A.L., Savelkoul, E.M., & Hammer, C.S. (1996).  The effect of maternal rate reduction on speech rates and linguistic productions of children who stutter.  Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics, 10, 189-210.


  1. Hammer, C.S. (1994).  Working with families of Chamorro and Carolinian Cultures.  American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 3 (4), 5-12. 


  1. Cheng, L. & Hammer, C.S. (1992).  Cultural Perceptions of Disabilities. San Diego:  Los Amigos Research Associates.  


  1. Cheng, L. & Hammer, C.S. (1992).  The Use of an Interpreter/Translator. San Diego:  Los Amigos Research Associates.

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA)

American Educational Research Association (AERA)

International Literacy Association  (ILA)

National Association for the Education of Young Children  (NAEYC)

Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD)

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