Han, ZhaoHong (zhh2)

ZhaoHong Han

Professor of Language and Education
Director, Center for International Foreign Language Teacher Education (CIFLTE)

Office Location:

315 Zankel

Office Hours:

Tuesday, 1:45-3:45 p.m. (on Zoom)  and Wednesday, 4:00-5:00 p.m. (in person)

Educational Background

  • Ph.D., Applied Linguistics, Birkbeck College, University of London
  • M.A., TESOL, Moray House School of Education, University of Edinburgh
  • B.A., English and English Literature, Central China Normal University

Scholarly Interests

Selected Publications

Han, Z-H. (2024). Editorial. ChatGPT in and for second language acquisition: A call for systematic research. Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 46 (2), 301-306. https://doi:10.1017/S0272263124000111

Han, Z-H. & Wiita, P. (2024) Editorial. Social physics and second language development. Frontiers in Physics, 12:1392590. https://doi: 10.3389/fphy.2024.1392590

Han, Z-H., Beccia, A., Creider, S., Lindhardsen, V., & Brinton, D. (2023). Special Issue.  Teachers as researchers: Exploratory practice in Tunisian EFL classrooms. Studies in Applied Linguistics & TESOL (SALT), 23(2), 1-10.

Han, Z-H. & Baohan, A. (2023). Age and attainment in foreign language learning: The critical period account stands. Brain and Language, 246, 105343

Han, Z-H. &  Bao, G. (2023), Critical period in second language acquisition: The age-attainment geometry. Frontiers in Physics, 11:1142584. https://doi: 10.3389/fphy.2023.1142584. [view article impact]

Han, Z-H. (2023). In English Medium Instruction you can walk and chew gum. Frontiers in Psychology,14:1134982. https://doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2023.1134982  [view article impact]

Han, Z-H., Kang, E., & Sok, S. (2023). The complexity epistemology and ontology in second language acquisition: A critical review. Studies in Second Language Acquisition. 45, 1388-1412. https://doi:10.1017/S0272263122000420.

Han, Z-H. (2022). Issues of narrowness and staticity in ISLA. Instructed Second Language Acquisition, 7(1), 3-26.  https://doi.org/10.1558/isla.19454.

Han, Z-H. (2021). Digital language learning and SLA. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition. 1-2.  https://doi.org/10.1017/S1366728921000778. 

Han, Z-H. (2021). Corrective feedback from behaviorist and innatist perspectives. In H. Nassaji & E. Kartchava (eds). The Cambridge handbook of corrective feedback in language learning and teaching (pp. 23-43). Cambridge University Press.

Han, Z-H. (2020). Usage-based instruction, systems thinking, and the role of Language Mining in second language development. Language Teaching, 54(4), 502-517.  https://doi:10.1017/S0261444820000282 

Han, Z-H. (2019). Researching CDST: Promises and pitfalls. In Han, Z-H. (ed.) Profiling learner language as a dynamic system. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters. 

Han, Z-H. & Liu, J. (2019). Profiling learner language from a complex dynamic system perspective: An introduction. In Han, Z-H. (ed.) Profiling learner language as a dynamic system. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters. 

Han, Z-H. (2019). Special issue. Thirty-five years of instructed second language acquisition. Language Teaching Research, 23(4).

Han, Z-H. (2018). Task-based learning in task-based teaching: Training teachers of Chinese as a foreign language. Annual Review of Applied Linguistics, 38, 162-186. 

Han, Z-H., & Kang, E.Y. (2018). Revisiting the Cognition Hypothesis: Bridging a gap between the conceptual and the empirical. International Journal of Applied Linguistics, 28(3), 391-405.

Han, Z-H., Bao, G., & Wiita, P.  (2017). Energy conservation in SLA: The simplicity of a complex adaptive system. In L. Ortega & Z-H. Han (Eds.), Complexity theory and language development. In celebration of Diane Larsen-Freeman (pp. 210-231). Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 

Han, Z-H. (2017). The theoretical landscape of second language acquisition. In I. Keckskes & C. Sun. (Eds.), Key issues in Chinese as a second language research (pp. 3-26). Routledge. 

Han, Z-H., Bao, G, & Wiita, P. (2017). Energy conservation: A theory of L2 ultimate attainment. International Review of Applied Linguistics (IRAL), 50(2), 133-164. 

Han, Z-H. (2016). A "reimagined SLA" or an expanded SLA? A rejoinder to the Douglas Fir Group (2016)The Modern Language Journal, 100(4), 736-740. 

Han, Z-H. (2016). Research meets practice: Holding off and holding onChinese as a Second Language (Journal of CLTA), 51(3), 236-251.

Han, Z-H. (2015). Striving for complementarity between narrative and meta-analytic reviews. Applied Linguistics, 36(3), 409-415. 

Han, Z-H. (2014). From Julie to Wes to Alberto: Revisiting the construct of fossilization. In Z-H. Han & E. Tarone (Eds.), Interlanguage: Forty Years Later (pp. 47-74). Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 

Han, Z.-H., & Finneran, R. (2014). Re-engaging the interface debate: Strong, weak, none, or all? International Journal of Applied Linguistics, 24(3), 370-389.    <View Blackbox Videocast discussing this article>

Han, Z-H, & Maeng, J. (2014). Task-based language teaching of Chinese in a study abroad context: A learner perspective. In Z-H. Han (Ed.), Studies in second language acquisition of Chinese (pp. 80-102). Multilingual Matters.

Han, Z-H.  & Liu, Z.H. (2013). Input processing of Chinese by ab initio learners. Second Language Research, 29(2), 145-164. 

Han, Z-H. (2013). Forty years later: Updating the Fossilization Hypothesis. Language Teaching, 46(2), 133-171. [state-of-the-art article]

Han, Z-H. (2012). Second language acquisition. In J. Banks (Ed.), The encyclopedia of diversity in education (pp. 1910-1915). Sage Publications.

Han, Z-H. (2011). Fossilization - A classic concern of SLA research. In Gass, S. & Mackey, A. (Eds.), The Routledge handbook of second language acquisition (pp. 476-490). New York: Routledge.

Han, Z-H. (2010). Grammatical morpheme inadequacy as a function of linguistic relativity: A longitudinal study. In Han, Z-H. & Cadierno, T. (Eds.), Linguistic relativity in SLA: Thinking for speaking. Clevedon, UK: Multilingual Matters. 

Han, Z-H. & Chen, C.L. (2010). Repeated-reading-based instructional strategy and vocabulary acquisition: A case study of a heritage speaker of Chinese. Reading in a Foreign Language, 22(2), 242-262. 

Han, Z-H. (2009). Interlanguage and fossilization: Toward an analytic model. In V. Cook & L. Wei (Eds.), Contemporary applied linguistics (Vol. I: Language Teaching and Learning pp. 137-162). London: Continuum.

Han, Z-H. & D'Angelo, A. (2009). Balancing between comprehension and acquisition: Proposing a dual approach. In Han, Z-H. & Anderson, N. (Eds.). Second language reading research and instruction: crossing the boundaries. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.

Han, Z-H. (2008). On the role of meaning in focus on form. In Z-H. Han (Ed.) Understanding second language process (pp. 45-79). Clevedon: Multilingual Matters.

Han, Z-H., Park, E.S., & Combs, C. (2008). Textual enhancement of input: Issues and possibilities. Applied Linguistics, 29(4), 597-618.

Han, Z-H. (2007). Pedagogical implications: Genuine or pretentious? TESOL Quarterly, 41(2), 387-393. 

Han, Z-H. & Peverly, S. (2007). Input processing: A study of ab initio learners with multilingual backgrounds. The International Journal of Multilingualism, 4(1), 17-37. 

Han, Z-H. (2006). Fossilization: Can grammaticality judgment be a reliable source of evidence? In Han, Z-H. & Odlin, T. (Eds.), Studies of fossilization in second language acquisition.  Multilingual Matters. 

Han, Z-H. (2004). 'To be a native speaker means not to be a non-native speaker.' Second Language Research, 20(2), 166-87.

Han, Z-H. (2004). Fossilization in adult second language acquisition. Multilingual Matters.  <What is this book about?

Han, Z-H. (2002). A study of the impact of recasts on tense consistency in L2 output. TESOL Quarterly, 36(4), 543-72.

Han, Z-H. (2000). Persistence of the implicit influence of NL: The case of the pseudo-passive. Applied Linguistics, 21(1), 78-105.

Han, Z-H. & Selinker, L. (1999). Error resistance: Towards an empirical pedagogy. Language Teaching Research, 3(3), 248-75.


Use the Vitae tab on the side bar to access  Dr. Han's Principal Publications; Bio; and Doctoral Dissertations Sponsored.

Dr. Han on Google Scholar Citations


Dr. Han is Professor of Applied Linguistics, Director of the Center for International Foreign Language Teacher Education (CIFLTE), and Director of the TC-Tunisia Foreign Language Teacher Education Transnational Project, at Teachers College, Columbia University. From 2018 to 2020, she served, energetically and with great integrity, as Chair of the Department of Arts and Humanities, the largest academic department at Teachers College, leading with a vision, rallying the entire department - faculty, staff, and students - around innovative, transparent, and equitable practices, and promoting academic excellence. 

Dr. Han's scholarly interests are broadly in second language learnability, second language teachability, and their interface. Her work on fossilization, crosslinguistic influence, corrective feedback, second language thinking for speaking, second language reading and vocabulary development, second language reading instruction, input enhancement, second language ab initio input processing, task-based language learning, and foreign language teacher education, among many topics, has appeared in a variety of journals and books. Dr. Han is the recipient of the 2003 International TESOL Heinle and Heinle Distinguished Research Award as well as a repeated recipient of the Teachers College, Columbia University Outstanding Teacher Award.

Dr. Han has served on multiple editorial boards of academic journals including Applied Linguistics (Oxford University Press) and Language Teaching (Cambridge University Press). She has served as a keynote speaker at numerous international conferences on second language acquisition and second language teaching.

Over the last twenty years, in addition to teaching graduate courses (from theory to research to practice) and sponsoring doctoral dissertations at Teachers College, Dr. Han has consulted to universities and school districts on research and teacher development grants and second language programs, curriculums, and materials. She has designed and conducted foreign language teacher professional development programs in various parts of the world, and she is multilingual.

See also:   Dr. Han's 2021 interview with the editorial board of SALT

Chen, C.L. (2018). The effects of second-language repeated reading on reading comprehension and incidental vocabulary acquisition. Unpublished doctoral disertation, Teachers College, Columbia University, New York.

Choong, K. (2014). Effects of task complexity on written production in L2 English. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Teachers College, Columbia University, New York. 

Ekiert, M. (2010). Investigating articles as expressions of definiteness in L2 English of Slavic speakers. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Teachers College, Columbia University, New York.

Finneran, R. (2020). The Selective Fossilization Hypothesis: A longitudinal study of English language learners' persistent errors. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Teachers College, Columbia University, New York. 

Hall, T. (2017). Learner chunks in second language acquisition. Unpublished doctoral dissertation. Teachers College, Columbia University.

Jung, J. Y. (2019). Effects of explicit and implicit focus on form on L2 acquisition of the English passive. Unpublished doctoral dissertation. Teachers College, Columbia University. 

Kang, E.Y. (2017). The effects of narrow reading on L2 text comprehension and vocabulary acquisition. Unpublished doctoral dissertation. Teachers College, Columbia University, New York. 

Kim, J. H. (2008). Focus on form in communicative EFL classrooms: A study of learner recognition of recasts. Unpublished doctoral dissertation. Teachers College, Columbia University, New York.

Kim, P. (2022). Energy Conservation Theory for Second Language Acquisition (ECT-L2A): A partial validation of kinetic energy - Aptitude and motivation. Unpublished doctoral dissertation. Teachers College, Columbia University, New York. 

Kwon, E.Y. (2008). Cross-linguistic influence and "universal" developmental patterns in child second language acquisition: A longitudinal study. Unpublished doctoral dissertation. Teachers College, Columbia University, New York.

Lew, W. M. (2022). Input robustness: An in-depth study of ESL/EFL textbooks.  Unpublished doctoral dissertation. Teachers College, Columbia University, New York

Liu, Y.-T. (2007). Phonological recoding in sentence-level Chinese character recognition by advanced adult L2 Chinese learners. Unpublished doctoral dissertation. Teachers College, Columbia University, New York.

Park, E. S. (2007). Learner-generated noticing of L2 input: An exploratory study. Unpublished doctoral dissertation. Teachers College, Columbia University, New York.

Park, M.S. (2019). An exploratory study of foreign accent and phonological awareness in Korean learners of English. Unpublished doctoral dissertation. Teachers College, Columbia University, New York.

Revesz, A. J. (2007). Focus on form in task-based language teaching: Recasts, task complexity, and L2 learning. Unpublished doctoral dissertation. Teachers College, Columbia University, New York.

Seol, H. (2001). The impact of age and L1 influence on L2 ultimate attainment. Unpublished doctoral dissertation. Teachers College, Columbia University, New York.

Song, S. (2009). Recasts, grammatical morphemes, and L2 learning: A longitudinal case study of Korean L2 learners. Unpublished doctoral dissertation. Teachers College, Columbia University, New York.

Sok, S. (2017). Incidental and intentional L2 vocabulary acquisition. Unpublished doctoral dissertation. Teachers College, Columbia University, New York. 

Suzuki, M. (2007). Learner uptake and second language learning. Unpublished doctoral dissertation. Teachers College, Columbia University, New York.

Year, J. (2009). Korean speakers' acquisition of the English ditransitive construction: The role of input frequency and distribution. Unpublished doctoral dissertation. Teachers College, Columbia University, New York.

Books and journal special issues

Han, Z-H.. & Witta, P. (2024) (Eds). Social physics and the dynamics of second language acquisition. Frontiers in Physics, 12.

Han, Z-H., Beccia, A., Creider, S., Lindhardsen, V., & Brinton, D. (2023). Special Issue. Teachers as researchers: Exploratory practice in Tunisian EFL classrooms. Studies in Applied Linguistics & TESOL (SALT), 23(2).

Han, Z-H. (2019) (Ed.) Profiling learner language as a dynamic system. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters. 

Han, Z-H. (2019). Special issue. Thirty-five years of instructed second language acquisition. Language Teaching Research, 23(4), 391-532. 

Ortega, L. & Han, Z-H. (Eds.) (2017). Complexity Theory and language development. In celebration of Diane Larsen-Freeman. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. [Chang & Zhang's review in ELTJ [Peng & Ren's review in Applied Linguistics][Kostoulas' review on Linguist List]

Han, Z-H. & Rast, R. (Eds.) (2014). First exposure to a second language: Learners' initial input processing. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. [White's review in MLJ]

Han, Z-H. (Ed.) (2014). Studies in second language acquisition of Chinese. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters. [Yang's review in JCLTA]

Han, Z-H. & Tarone, E. (Eds.) (2014). Interlanguage: Forty years later. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. [Adamson's review in SSLA] [Yasunaga's reivew in JALT]

Han, Z-H. & Cadierno, T. (Eds.) (2010). Linguistic relativity in second language acquisition: Thinking for speaking. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters. [Alan Davies' review in Language Testing] [Peter Robinson's Review]

Han, Z-H. (2010). Fossilization in adult second language acquisition. India: Viva Books. [Reprint of Han (2004)] [Deepti Gupta's review]

Han, Z-H. & Anderson, N. (Eds.) (2009). Second language reading research and instruction: Crossing the boundaries. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press. [Amanda Lanier Temple's review]

Han, Z-H. (Ed.). (2008). Understanding second language process. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters. [ In collaboration with Eun Sung Park, Andrea Revesz, Charles Combs, and Ji Hyun Kim] [Call's review in MLJ]

Han, Z-H. (2008). Fossilization in adult second language acquisition. Beijing: Foreign Language Research and Teaching Press. [Reprint of Han (2004)] [Xie Ang's review]

Han, Z-H & Odlin, T. (Eds.) (2006). Studies of fossilization in second language acquisition. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters. [Rosette Finneran's review] [Rula Diab's review ] [Guangwei Hu's review]

Han, Z-H. (2004). Fossilization in adult second language acquisition. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters. [Tom Scovel's review] [Robert J. Dickey's review] [Ozlem Pazvant's review] [Ashley Fidler's review in Second Langauge Research] [Jason Rothman's review] [Irit Kupferberg's review in SSLA][Selinker's Review]


Journal articles and book chapters

Park, S.M., Sok, S. & Han, Z-H. (2024). Using game-mediated digital tasks to elicit data on incidental vocabulary learning. In Sadeghi, K (Ed.), The Routledge handbook of technological advances in researching language learning (pp. 145-157). Taylor & Francis.

Han, Z-H. (2024). Editorial. ChatGPT in and for second language acquisition: A call for systematic research. Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 46, 301-306.   doi:10.1017/S0272263124000111

Han, Z-H. & Wiita, P. (2024) Editorial. Social physics and second language development. Frontiers in Physics, 12:1392590. http://doi: 10.3389/fphy.2024.1392590

Beccia, A., Lew, W.M., & Han, Z-H. (2024). Exploring co-adaptation in an ecosystem of dyadic interaction. Language Teaching Research Quarterly, 39, 125-144.

Han, Z-H., Beccia, A., Creider, S., Lindhardsen, V., & Brinton, D. (2023). Teachers as researchers: Exploratory practice in Tunisian EFL classrooms. Studies in Applied Linguistics & TESOL, 23(2), 1-10.

Han, Z-H. & Baohan, A. (2023). Age and attainment in foreign language learning: The critical period stands. Brain and Language, 246, 105343.

Han, Z-H. & Bao, G. (2023). Critical period in second language acquisition: The age-attainment geometry. Frontiers in Physics. 11:1142584. https://doi.org/10.3389/fphy.2023.1142584

Han, Z-H. (2023). In English Medium Instruction you can walk and chew gum. Frontiers in Psychology, 14:1134982. http://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2023.1134982 

Han, Z-H., Kang, E., and Sok, S. (2023). The complexity epistemology and ontology in second language acquisition: A critical review. Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 45, 1388-1412.  https://doi.org/10.1017/S0272263122000420 

Han, Z-H. (2022). Issues of narrowness and staticity in ISLA. Instructed Second Language Acquisition, 7(1), 3-26. https:// doi.org/10.1558/isla.19454.

Kang, E.Y. & Han, Z-H. (2022). Written corrective feedback: Short-term and long-term effects on language learning. In R. Manchon & C. Polio (Eds.), The Routledge handbook of second language acquisition and writing (pp. 213-225). Routledge. 

Han, Z-H. (2021). Digital language learning and SLA. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition. Https://doi.org/ 10.1017/S1366728921000778

Han, Z-H. (2021). Corrective feedback from behaviorist and innatist perspectives. In H. Nassaji & E. Kartchava (eds). The Cambridge handbook of corrective feedback in language learning and teaching (pp. 23-43). Cambridge University Press.

Han, Z.H. (2020). Usage-based instruction, systems thinking, and the role of Language Mining in second language development. Language Teaching, 54(4), 502-517. Https://doi:10.1017/S0261444820000282

Sok, S. & Han, Z-H. (2020). A study of L2 vocabulary acquisition under incidental and intentional conditions. Vigo International Journal of Applied Linguistics (VIAL), 17, 113-140.

Han, Z-H. & Sun, H. (2019). Training foreign language teachers of Chinese: Task-based learning in task-based teaching. TCSOL Studies, 4, 73-82.

Han, Z-H. & Liu, J.  (2019). Profiling learner language from a complex dynamic system perspective: An introduction. In Profiling learner language as a dynamic system. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters.  

Han, Z-H. (2019). Researching CDST: Promises and pitfalls. In Profiling learner language as a dynamic system. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters. 

Kang, E.Y., Sok, S., & Han, Z-H. (2019). Thirty-five years of ISLA on form-focused instruction: A meta-analysis. Language Teaching Research, 23(4), 403-427.

Sok, S., Kang, E.Y., and Han, Z-H. (2019). Thirty-five years of ISLA on form-focused instruction: A methodological synthesis. Language Teaching Research, 23(4), 428-453. 

Han, Z-H. & Nassaji, H. (2019). Introduction: A snapshot of thirty-five years of ISLA.  Language Teaching Research, 23(4), 393-402.

Han, Z-H. (2018). Task-based learning in task-based teaching: Training teachers of Chinese as a foreign language. Annual Review of Applied Linguistics, 38, 162-186

Han, Z-H., & Kang, E.Y. (2018). Revisiting the Cognition Hypothesis: Bridging a gap between the conceptual and the empirical. International Journal of Applied Linguistics, 28(3), 391-405.

Finneran, R. & Han, Z-H. (2018). Fossilization. In J.I.Liontas (Ed.), The TESOL encyclopedia of English language teaching. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 

Ahmed, S. & Han, Z-H. (2018). Models of reading. In J.I.Liontas (Ed.), The TESOL encyclopedia of English language teaching. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 

Han, Z-H., Bao, G., & Wiita, P. (2017). Energy conservation in SLA: The simplicity of a complex adaptive system. In L. Ortega & Z-H. Han (Eds.), Complexity theory and language development (pp. 210-231).  Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 

Ortega, L. & Han, Z-H. (2017). Introduction. In L.Ortega & Z-H. Han (Eds.), Complexity theory and language development (pp. 1-10). Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 

Han, Z-H. (2017). The theoretical landscape of second language acquisition. In I. Keckskes & C. Sun (Eds.), Key issues in Chinese as a second language research (pp. 3-26). New York: Routledge. 

Han, Z-H. & Ekiert, M. (2017). Beyond focus on form: Giving learner meaning its proper place. Studies in Second Language Learning Research, 3(1), 1-12. 

Han, Z-H., Bao, G., & Wiita, P. (2017). Energy conservation: A theory of L2 ultimate attainment. International Review of Applied Linguistics (IRAL), 55(2), 133-164.

Han, Z-H. (2016). Research meets practice: Holding off and holding on. Chinese as a Second Language (Journal of CLTA), 51(3), 236-251. 

Han, Z-H. (2016). A "reimagined SLA" or an expanded SLA? A rejoinder to the Douglas Fir Group (2016). The Modern Language Journal, 100(4), 736-740. 

Ekiert, M & Han, Z.-H. (2016). L1-fraught difficulty: The case of L2 acquisition of English articles by Slavic speakers. In R. Alonso (Ed.), Crosslinguistic influence in second language acquisition (pp. 147-172). Clevedon: Multilingual Matters. 

Han, Z-H. (2015). Striving for complementarity between narrative and meta-analytic reviews. Applied Linguistics, 36(3), 409-415. 

Kang, E.Y. & Han, Z.-H. (2015). The efficacy of written corrective feedback in improving L2 written accuracy: A meta-analysis. The Modern Language Journal, 99(1), 1-18.

Jung, J. Y., & Han, Z.-H. (2014). Effects of explicit focus on form on L2 acquisition of English passive construction. Contemporary Foreign Language Studies, 408(12), 18-31.

Han, Z-H. & Sun, Y. (2014). First exposure: A replication of Han & Peverly (2007). In Z-H. Han & R. Rast (Eds.), First exposure to a second language: Learners' initial input processing (pp.8-40). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. 

Han, Z-H. & Rast, R. (2014). Introduction: First exposure, input processing, and theorizing. In Z-H. Han & R. Rast (Eds.), First exposure to a second language: Learners' initial input processing (pp. 1-6). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.

Han, Z-H, & Maeng, J. (2014). Task-based language teaching of Chinese in a study abroad context: A learner perspective. In Z-H. Han (Ed.), Studies in second language acquisition of Chinese (pp. 80-102). Clevedon: Multilingual Matters.

Han, Z-H. (2014). Epilogue: Bringing it all together: Where are we? In Studies in second language acquisition of Chinese (pp. 142-149). Clevedon: Multilingual Matters.

Han, Z-H. (2014). From Julie to Wes to Alberto: Revisiting the construct of fossilization. In Z-H. Han and E. Tarone (Eds.),  Interlanguage: Forty years later (pp. 47-74). Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

Han, Z-H. & Tarone, E. (2014). Introduction. In Interlanguage: Forty years later (pp. 1-6). Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

Han, Z.-H., & Finneran, R. (2014). Re-engaging the interface debate: Strong, weak, none, or all? International Journal of Applied Linguistics, 24(3), 370-389.   <View Blackbox Videocast discussing this article>

Han, Z.-H. & Liu, J. (2013). Recasting the story of recasts. In L. R. Yang et al. (Eds.) SLA research in China (pp. 359-385). Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press.

Han, Z-H., & Liu, Z.H. (2013). Input processing of Chinese by ab initio learners. Second Language Research, 29(2), 145-164.

Han, Z-H. (2013). State-of-the-art article: 40 years later - Updating the Fossilization Hypothesis. Language Teaching, 46(2), 133-171.

Han, Z-H. (2012). Input enhancement. In P. Robinson (Ed.), The Routledge encyclopedia of second language acquisition (pp.313-317). Blackwell Publishers.

Han, Z-H. & Cadierno, T. (2012). Linguistic relativity in second language acquisition. In P. Robinson (Ed.), The Routledge encyclopedia of second language acquisition (pp. 393-396). Blackwell Publishers.

Han, Z-H. (2012). Fossilization. In Chappelle, C. (Ed.), The encyclopedia of applied linguistics. Wiley-Blackwell.

Han, Z.H. & Lew, W.M. (2012). Acquisitional complexity: What defies complete acquisition in SLA. In Szmrecsanyi, B., & Kortmann, B. (Eds.), Linguistic complexity in interlanguage varieties, L2 varieties, and contact languages (pp. 192-217). Berlin/New York: Walter de Gruyter.

Han, Z. H. (2012). Second language acquisition. In J. Banks (Ed.), The encyclopedia of diversity in education (pp. 1910-1915). Sage Publications.

Han, Z.H. (2011). Fossilization - A classic concern of SLA research. In Gass, S. & Mackey, A. (Eds.), The Routledge handbook of second language acquisition (pp. 476-490). New York: Routledge.

Han, Z-H. (2010). Fossilization: Five central issues. Reprinted in L. Ortega (Ed.), Second language acquisition (Critical concepts in linguistics). New York: Routledge.

Han, Z.-H. & Chen, C.L. (2010). Repeated-reading-based instructional strategy and vocabulary acquisition: A case study of a heritage speaker of Chinese. Reading in a Foreign Language, 22(2), 242-262.

Han, Z.-H. (2010). Grammatical morpheme inadequacy as a function of linguistic relativity: A longitudinal study. In Han, Z.-H. & Cadierno (Eds.), Linguistic relativity in second language acquisition: Thinking for speaking. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters.

Han, Z.-H. (2009). Interlanguage and fossilization: Towards an analytic model. In V. Cook & L. Wei (Eds.), Contemporary applied linguistics (Vol. I: Language Teaching and Learning pp. 137-162). London: Continuum.

Han, Z-H., Anderson, N., & Freeman, D. (2009). Crossing the boundaries: An introduction. In Z-H. Han & N. Anderson (Eds.), Second language reading research and instruction: Crossing the boundaries. University of Michigan Press.

Han, Z-H. & D'Angelo, A. (2009). Balancing between extremes: Towards a dual approach to second language reading instruction. In Z-H. Han & N. Anderson (Eds.), Second language reading research and instruction: Crossing the boundaries (pp. 173-191). University of Michigan Press.

Han, Z-H., Park, E.S., & Combs, C. (2008). Textual enhancement of input: Issues and possibilities. Applied Linguistics, 29(4), 597-618.

Han, Z-H. & Kim, J. H. (2008). Corrective recasts: What teachers might want to know. Journal of Language Learning, 36(1), 35-44.

Kwon, E. Y., & Han, Z.-H. (2008). Language transfer in child SLA: A longitudinal case study of a sequential bilingual. In J. Philp, R. Oliver & A. Mackey (Eds.), Child's play? Second language acquisition and the younger learner. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

Han, Z-H. (2008). On the role of meaning in focus on form. In Understanding second language process (pp. 45-79). Clevedon: Multilingual Matters.

Park, E. S., & Han, Z-H. (2008). Learner spontaneous attention in L2 input processing: An exploratory study In Z.-H. Han (Ed.), Understanding second language process. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters.

Han, Z-H. (2007). Pedagogical implications: Genuine or pretentious? TESOL Quarterly, 41(2), 387-393.

Han, Z-H., & Peverly, S. (2007). Input processing: A study of ab initio learners with multilingual backgrounds. The International Journal of Multilingualism, 4(1), 17-37.

Gu, X. C., & Han, Z.-H. (2007). Task-based language teaching: A new pedagogic paradigm. In J. G. Ji & N. Jiang (Eds.), Applied linguistics. The People's University of China Press.

Kim, J. H., & Han, Z-H. (2007). Recasts in communicative EFL classes: Do teacher intent and learner interpretation overlap? . In A. Mackey (Ed.), Conversational interaction in second language acquisition: A collection of empirical studies. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

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Han, Z-H. & Selinker, L. (2005). Fossilization in L2 learners. In E. Hinkel (Ed.), Handbook of research in second language teaching and learning (pp. 455-70). Mahwah, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum.

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Book reviews

Han, Z.-H. (2008). Review of Håkan Ringbom (2007) Cross-linguistic Similarity in Foreign Language Learning. Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 30(3), 396-398.

Han, Z-H. (2007). Review of Francischina (2005) Fossilized Second Language Grammars. Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 29(4), 621-22.

Han, Z-H. (2004). Review of Cook (2003) Effects of the second language on the first. Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 26(3), 488-89.

Han, Z-H. (2003). Review of Grenfell (2001) Modern Languages across the Curriculum. Teachers College Record, 105(7), 1274-77.

Han, Z-H. (2001). Review of Grenfell & Harris (1999) Modern Languages and Learning Strategies inTheory and Practice. Language Teaching Research, 5(3), 270-73.



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