Health Studies & Applied Educational Psychology

A Graduate School of Education, Health & Psychology

Welcome to the Department of Health Studies & Applied Educational Psychology

Thank for you for visiting the Department of Health Studies & Applied Educational Psychology at Teachers College, Columbia University. We think you will find that we offer many exciting opportunities to enhance your academic and professional skills and prepare you for a rewarding career in one of the fields for which we offer professional preparation.

Health Studies

Health Promotion and Education

Health Education graduates.


Nutrition student pose after a hike.

Diabetes Education & Management

Diabetes Education Management student taking an online course.

Nursing Education

Nursing Education students in class.

Applied Educational Psychology Programs

School Psychology

TC Building in Spring

Special Education:
Applied Behavior Analysis

Teachers College Way Street Sign

Special Education:
Deaf and Hard of Hearing

Deaf and Hard of Hearing students and faculty.

Special Education:
Intellectual Disability/ Autism

Students in the Intellectual Disability/Autism program.


Our department offers many types of initial, dual, and other certification. Please contact us if you have any questions about which certifications we offer.

  • Applied Behavior Analysis: birth-age 2 or grades 1-6
  • Deaf and Hard of Hearing: Pre-K-12
  • Intellectual Disability/Autism: Birth-age 2, grades 1-6, or grades 7-12 (includes both Initial and Transitional B certifications)
  • Intellectual Disability/Autism: NY State Annotation: Severe and Multiple Disabilities
  • Reading Specialist: Literacy birth-6 or Literacy 5-12
  • NY State Provisional: School Psychology
  • NY State Licensed Behavior Analyst: Applied Behavior Analysis
  • Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA): Applied Behavior Anaylsis
  • CABAS® Board Certification at various levels: Applied Behavior Analysis

Our Stories

View As
Theresa P. Castillo, Ed.D., M.A., CHES (M.A., Class of ’01)
Theresa Castillo, EdD (Class ’15), MA (Class ’01), CHES
Award Winning Global Leader in Indigenous, Women’s and Children’s Health

“TC provided me with the foundation essential for translating health research into practical application. The Master’s degree paved my way to work in multiple health care settings, ranging from the National Institutes of Health to rural health clinics in Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa.”

Theresa P. Castillo, EdD, MA, CHES first obtained her MA degree in 2001 in health education and used that foundation to travel around the world—providing global leadership in delivering community-based health education in diverse indigenous communities...

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