HBSE 4015 ABA I: Concepts and Principles in Pedagogy, Curriculum, and Management
Basic applications for learners without reading or writing repertoires. Strategic applications of the science of behavior to instruction, management, curriculum-based assessment, isolation of locus of learning/behavior problems, and measurably effective instructional practices.
HBSE 4016 ABA II: Foundational Concepts and Epistemology of Basic and Applied Behavior Analysis
Prerequisite: HBSE 4015. Advanced applications to learners with writing, reading, and self-editing repertoires. Teaching operations and curricula designed to teach academic literacy, self-management, and problem solving. Data-based applications required.
HBSE 4017 ABA III: Verbal Development, Curriculum, and Pedagogy
Applications of behavior analysis to the schooling system that incorporates educating and working with families, providing classroom and school leadership, coordinating support personnel efforts across the school and home, and the development of learner independence through advanced scientifically based pedagogy and functional curriculum design, including computer-based instruction.
HBSE 4044 Methods 1: Research Methods in Pedagogy, Curriculum, and Management
Pedagogical and curricular design repertoires for realizing state educational objectives for children from pre-listener to early reader skills (NYSED Standards, English Excellence in Education Standards, and CABAS® Standards Preschool through Kindergarten).
HBSE 4045 Methods 2: Curricular and Pedagogical Operations for Teaching the Foundations of Functional Academic Literacy
Pedagogical and curricular repertoires for realizing state educational objectives for children with early to advanced self-editing and self-management repertoires (grades 1 through 3).
HBSE 4046 Methods 3: Curricular and Pedagogical Operations for Teaching Advanced Functional Academic Literacy
Pedagogical and curricular repertoires for realizing state educational objectives for children with early to advanced self-editing and self-management repertoires (grades 4 through middle school).
HBSE 4047 Record-Keeping in Applied Behavior Analysis
This course is required for NYS licensure in behavior analysis. It will cover not just the maintenance of the client’s record, but the meaning of that record and the additional parts of the record that must be maintained for each child, including all corollary materials. It is offered online to all students pursuing NYS licensure in ABA.
HBSE 4048 Wrk w Fam of Chldrn w ASD
The purpose of this course is to provide an overview of the components related to successful partnerships between parents and professionals as realized through increasing positive and effective parenting skills within families of children with autism.
HBSE 4049 Professional and Ethical Issues in Teaching as Applied Behavior Analysis
This course will focus on the ethical, professional, and legal issues impacting those who apply the science of behavior to vulnerable populations (e.g., young children or children with disabilities), including those who work in clinical, home, and school settings.
HBSE 4304
This course fulfills the 150 (minimum) practicum hours working with children with autism required for licensure as a Behavior Analyst in NYS and may also satisfy supervised experience hours required by the Behavior Analyst Certification Board. This course also carries 3 credits (45 credit hours) worth of content; thus, students will be responsible for completing coursework and attending class at the university on a weekly basis.
HBSE 4704 Observation and student teaching in special education: Applied behavioral analysis and behavioral disorders
Permission required. Course requires 3-5 days a week for participation in community, school, and agency programs and a weekly seminar on campus.
HBSE 5010 Study of the philosophic foundations of special education
Permission required. Required of all doctoral students in the Applied Sciences of Learning and Special Education programs in the Department of Health and Behavior Studies. Overview of major theoretical and methodological orientation within social sciences and special education.
HBSE 5904 Problems in special education: Applied behavioral analysis and behavioral disorders
Qualified students work individually or in small groups under guidance on practical research problems. Proposed work must be outlined prior to registration; final written report required.
HBSE 6001 Research in special education
Permission required. Prerequisites: HUDM 4122 and HUDM 5122. Instruction in the development, conduct, and reporting of research. Student research studies. Required of all doctoral students in Applied Sciences of Learning and Special Education programs in the department of Health and Behavior Studies.
HBSE 6008 Behaviorism and the science of behavior
Permission required (for Ph.D. students in Applied Behavior Analysis and Behavior Disorders). A survey comparing and contrasting the various behaviorisms including: methodological behaviorism, paradigmatic behaviorism, interbehaviorism, social behaviorism, radical behaviorism, behavior selection, and the relationship of these to pragmatism, natural selection, positivism, and their historical roots of behavior selection and natural selection in the Scottish enlightenment.
HBSE 6010
Permission required. Required of all doctoral students in Special Education and programs in the department of Health Studies and Applied Educational Psychology. Instruction in the current practices and policies in the education of exceptional children with emphases on language and literacy development.
HBSE 6015 The verbal behavior model: Individual educational programming
Prerequisites: HBSE 4015 and HBSE 4043. Students will master Skinner's model of communicative behavior, the associated literature, and major theoretical papers. Research and data-based schooling applications of the model will be made to pedagogy and curriculum.
HBSE 6031 Research methods in special education: single-subject design II
Permission required. Course covers inter-subject and intrasubject designs, repeated measurement, generality, direct and systematic replication, and selection of group or single-case designs.
HBSE 6404 Advanced internships in special education: Behavioral disorders
Permission required. Post-masters level. Intensive in-service internship requires 3-5 days per week in approved settings. Internship allows for practical applications of scientific methods and principles taught in coursework to the education and treatment of children with and without disabilities.
HBSE 6504 Advanced seminars in special education: Applied behavior analysis and behavioral disorders
For doctoral students in special education and related fields. Recent developments in theory and research as related to the specialization from psychological, educational, sociological, and/or medical sources.
HBSE 7500 Dissertation Seminar in Special Education
Permission required. Only advanced doctoral students in special education programs are eligible. Prerequisites: HBSE 5010, 6001, 6003, 6005 and 6010. Development of doctoral dissertations and presentation of plans for approval.
HBSE 8901 Dissertation advisement in special education: Intellectual disability/autism
Advisement on doctoral dissertations. Fee to equal 3 points at current tuition rate for each term. For requirements, see catalog on continuous registration for Ph.D. degrees.
HBSK 4072 Theory and Techniques of Assessment and Intervention in Reading
Provides an overview of theories and research pertaining to reading acquisition and assessment and intervention techniques for reading across the lifespan. Content is organized according to four major themes: the psychology of reading development, language structures, assessment, and intervention.
HBSK 4074 Development of Reading Comprehension
Reading and study skills: Practical procedures based on research findings appropriate for teachers, counselors, and others. Discussion focuses on students in the middle elementary grades through young adulthood.
HBSK 5050 Cognitive and Behavioral Interventions for Youth
This course is intended to provide graduate students in psychology with an introduction to the application of cognitive behavioral interventions for the treatment of childhood disorders. The theoretical foundations of major cognitive-behavioral therapies for the treatment of psychological disorders will be studied. Treatment skills, including clinical interviewing and basic therapeutic skills, will be presented. Further, empirically supported therapeutic interventions for some of the most common psychological disorders experienced by school age children will be discussed. An introduction to cognitive behavioral case formulation and individual treatment planning will be integrated throughout the class. Empirical data pertaining to the use and efficacy of cognitive behavioral interventions with diverse populations will be reviewed. Ethical considerations will be presented and highlighted.
HBSK 5099 Writing Interventions Theory and Practice
This is a literacy course that applies research on cognitive, linguistic, affective, social, and cultural processes underlying writing performance to the development of writing interventions. Writing is discussed within the context of language and literacy development. Students learn to evaluate evidence-based writing interventions for both typically developing and special-needs populations of differing ages and in various educational settings.
HUDK 4027 How Children Learn Math
The development of informal and formal mathematical thinking from infancy through childhood with implications for education.
HUDM 4122 Probability and statistical inference
An introduction to statistical theory, including elementary probability theory; random variables and probability distributions; sampling distributions; estimation theory and hypothesis testing using binomial, normal, T, chi square, and F distributions. Calculus not required.
HUDM 5122
Least squares estimation theory. Traditional simple and multiple regression models and polynomial regression models, including use of categorical predictors. Logistic regression for dichotomous outcome variables is also covered. Class time includes lab time devoted to applications with IBM SPSS.