The Center for Health Equity and Urban Science Education (CHEUSE) is pleased to present the
The 7th Annual Health Disparities Conference at Teachers College, Columbia University
March 6 and 7, 2015 (Friday and Saturday)
Pre-Conference Draft of the CONFERENCE PROGRAM
The 2015 Conference Theme
Research, Practice and Policy for Bending the Arc of the Moral Universe Towards Justice in the Era of Health Disparities, the School to Prison Pipeline, Mass Incarceration and the New Jim Crow
"The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice" - Martin Luther King, Jr.
Featured Keynote Speaker
Michelle Alexander
New York Times Best-Selling Author of
The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness
Other Keynote Speakers
Keynote Speaker - Robert E. Fullilove, Ed.D., Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health, speaking on: "School to Prison" to "School Again:" Preparing a New Workforce to Address Health Disparities.
Keynote Speaker - Charles Basch, Ph.D., Teachers College, Columbia University, speaking on: An Innovative Model for Addressing Health Barriers to Learning: Research, Practice and Policy for Disrupting the School to Prison Pipeline.
Keynote Speaker - Christopher Emdin, Ph.D., Teachers College, Columbia University, speaking on: From the School to Prison Pipeline to the STEM Pipeline for Careers in the Health Sciences: Integrating Hip-Hop and Urban Science Education.

Special Conference Features
Special Training Event - Barbara Wallace, Ph.D., Teachers College, Columbia University, presenting on: Moving from the New Jim Crow to the New Paradigm: Cultural Competence and Communication Training for Police, First Responders, Teachers, Students, and Varied Professionals and Community Members Via Brief Motivational Interviewing--as New Paradigm Communication for All. To be accompanied by: John-Martin Green, Assistant Director of Blackberry Productions Theater Company, and Doctoral Student at Teachers College, Columbia University, presenting: A Demonstration of the Use of Brief Motivational Interviewing as New Paradigm Communication Being Used by Police Officers Interacting with Black Males and Community Members.
Special Training Event — John-Martin Green, MFA, Co-Founder and Co-Artistic Director, Blackberry Productions Theater Company, NY, NY; Doctoral Student at Teachers College, Columbia University. How to Use Brief Motivational Interviewing to Foster Effective Communication and Harmonious Relationships Between First Responders and Community Members: Relevant History, Guiding Principles, and a Video Role-Play Demonstration With Police Officers and African American and Latino Male Youth
Special Hip-Hop Training Event - Ian Levy, Ed.M., NYC High School Guidance Counselor, Bronx, New York, Doctoral Student in Health Education, Teachers College, Columbia University, presenting on: Hip-Hop Therapy: Using Hip-Hop Lyricism and Performance as a Therapeutic Medium with Urban Youth
Our conference has so many other exciting features:
- Outstanding keynote speakers (e.g. Michelle Alexander, New York Times Best-Selling Author of The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness)
- Award ceremonies for keynote speakers
- Nationally renowned featured speakers
- Paper and Panel presentations
- A Saturday Scientific Poster Session and Community Health Fair with exhibitors/vendors
- Exhibition and Vendor Opportunities for both days
- Continuing education contact hours for health education specialists (CHES/MCHES)
- A Friday after-work Resume Exchange for Careers in the Health Professions with representatives of varied hospitals/organizations seeking to hire diverse employees
- A Saturday Workshop on How to Publish and Gain Employment for Early Career Professionals
- Information on entering the pipeline into health careers
- Opportunities for Sponsors to share in a Private VIP Saturday Lunch Affair with some of our keynote and featured speakers
- The Saturday Conference Closing Dinner and Awards Ceremony—recognizing achievement in fostering equity and social justice—with a Musical/Hip-Hop Celebration.
Special #HIPHOPED Meet-Up, Conference Track Devoted to Hip-Hop, and Live Cypher: An Opportunity Meet Dr. Christopher Emdin in Person and Spit With Dr. Emdin and Ian Levy!
- Make your travel plans early! Do not miss this special opportunity for those around the globe who participate in the Tuesday Evening #HIPHOPED led by Dr. Christopher Emdin to meet him in person!
- Also, enjoy a special conference track devoted to Hip-Hop sessions covering the use of hip-hop in educational settings, as well as hip-hop + health
- Attend the Saturday Post-Conference Celebration Dinner, featuring a Hip-Hop Performance where both Dr. Christopher Emdin and Ian Levy will spit in a Live Cypher! This is an event you do not want to miss!!