J-1 Employment as Research Scholar/Professor

Employment as J-1 Research Scholar/Professor

J-1 Research scholars and professors are permitted to work as described on the Form DS-2019.  They may accept additional employment only as authorized by the sponsor within the regulations.

* Note: J-1 Research Scholars invited to Teachers College under the Teachers College Visiting Scholars program are not eligible for compensation or payment through the College. 

J-1 Research scholars and professors may participate in occasional lectures and short-term consultations, unless disallowed by the sponsor. 

Such lectures and consultations must  be:

1) be incidental to the exchange visitor’s primary program activities,

2) be directly related to the objectives of the exchange visitor’s program, and

3) not delay the completion date of the program. 

Positions not related to the objectives of the exchange visitor’s program is not permitted. If compensation is to be paid for such activities, the exchange visitor must act as an independent contractor (not an employee). 

How to Obtain Authorization

The exchange visitor must obtain written approval from the Responsible Officer in advance. A written offer letter and a written recommendation by the exchange visitor’s department head or supervisor are required. 

In order to request this letter of authorization, you can submit the "J-1 Exchange Visitor Employment Authorization Request" eForm via TC-Compass here. A completed request submitted through TC-Compass will be reviewed within 14 business days. It is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure they obtain all documentation from the OISS prior to starting the position offered. 


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