Increasing Community-building and Interdisciplinary Research
Teachers College President, Thomas Bailey, Barnard College Provost, Linda Bell, Columbia University EVP for Research, Jeannette Wing, and Senior Vice Provost for Faculty Advancement, Dennis Mitchell, are committed to increasing community-building and interdisciplinary research across the campuses and have partnered to create a series of faculty networking events called TCUB Connects.
Event Information

TCUB Connects 1 "Research Collaboration Opportunities," November 3, 2022
Barnard College, Columbia University, and Teachers College have partnered to create a series of three faculty networking events, called TCUB Connects, featuring faculty research collaborations and diversity initiatives across Columbia's schools. The first event, "Explore Collaboration Opportunities" was held at Columbia University's Low Library on November 3, 2022. It introduced Teachers College faculty research to Columbia University, an idea first proposed by Victoria Hamilton, AVP, Office of Research Initiatives and Development at CU's Office of the EVP for Research, to showcase successful research collaborations across the University. Links to the flash talks, photos of the poster session/reception, and the event program are provided by clicking below.

TCUB Connects 2: Engaged Scholarship, Barnard College, March 30, 2023
TCUB Connects: Engaged Scholarship on March 30, 2023. Barnard hosted the event, featuring a panel of faculty focused on engaged scholarship from Teachers College, Barnard College, and Columbia University. The event featured a panel of faculty participating in engaged scholarship from each school including Hiba Bou Akar (CU), Nara Milanich (BC), and Sonali Rajan (TC), moderated by Vice Provost for the Fourth Purpose and Strategic Impact, Sam Sia. The panel was followed by faculty-led roundtables on teaching and researching that engage community partners in the process of social, civic and ethical impact. Faculty facilitators included: Debbie Becher (BC), Mara Green (BC), M. Katherine Shear (CU), Gil Zussman (CU), Limarys Caraballo (TC) and Michelle Troche (TC). Download the program and listen to the audio recording of the panel.

TCUB Connects 3, "The Real-World Impacts of Faculty Research: A Networking and Collaboration Event," October 1, 2024
Please join us on October 1, 2024 for the next TCUB Connects event, focusing on the theme of real-world impacts of research. The event will feature "flash talks" highlighting faculty expertise in education, health, AI/digital innovation, and STEM. This event will also include a “speed networking” session where faculty can meet in small groups, followed by a reception. A registration link will be provided soon. Click "more" below to view the preliminary event program.
Flash Talks
Explore flash talks from the first TCUB Connects event.