TCSOL Certificate | Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages | Center for International Foreign Language Teacher Education (CIFLTE)

Center for International Foreign Language Teacher Education (CIFLTE)

If any word can capture the essence of the world today, it is ‘change.’ The changes are rapid and the world is increasingly fluid rather than rigidly divided as in earlier times, creating both opportunities and tensions. As citizens of today’s world continue to interact in virtual, physical, social, economic, and political arenas, the demands for the ability to speak additional languages continue to grow more dire. As a predominant medium of communication, knowing a foreign language is key not only to improving the life quality of mankind but also in resolving political and economic conflicts, thereby promoting peace and prosperity worldwide.

The Center’s core mission is two-fold:

a) to promote and enact top-notch teacher training activities, effectively addressing critical demands for qualified teachers of Chinese and English, especially in Asia, the Middle East, South America and the US;

b) to pursue classroom-based inquiries that would enrich the Center’s teacher-training activities and contribute more broadly to the general understanding of foreign language learning and teacher preparation.

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CIFLTE Highlights

CIFLTE Spring Newsletter

Program Offerings

The TCSOL/TESOL Dual Summer Program in Osaka, Japan

tcsol japan
Front shot of TC Building with clouds and sky

The TCSOL Certificate Program in New York

NYC and Online 1 year Cert Feature Card Image

CIFLTE Online Foreign Language Learning

CIFLTE Foreign Language Learning Feature Card Image

CIFLTE Fellow Program

CIFLTE Fellow Program Feature Card Image

Continuing Professional Development

Continuing Professional Development Feature Card Image

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